This is a list of books i would like to put my hand on when i have the time
- Millennium by Stieg Larsson
- Fundación e Imperio by Asimov
- Geralt de Rivia by Andrzej Sapkowski
- La Luna Es Una Cruel Amante by Robert Heinlein
- The Fall Of Chronopolis by Barrington J Bayley
- Serving In Time by Gordon Eklund
- La Ultima Nave Estelar De La Tierra by John Boyd
- The Alteration by Kingsley Amis
- Los Señores De La Instrumentalidad by Cordwainer Smith
- Do You Love Me by R.D. Laing
- La Rebelión De Atlas by Ayn Rand
- Divina Comedia by Dante Alighieri
- Don Quijote De La Mancha by Miguel De Cervantes
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: Un Eterno Y Grácil Bucle by Douglas Hofstadter
- How To Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu
- Bioshock Rapture by Shirley John
- Redshirts by John Scalzi
- Sol Artificial by J.P. Zooey
- Muerta En Vida by Elizabeth Scott
- Amor Liquido by Bauman
- La Física De Los Superheroes by Kakalios
- Que Pasaría Si? by Randall Munroe
- El ultimo hombre by Mary Shelley
- House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
- The Laundry Files by Charles Stross
- El conde de Montecristo by Alexandre Dumas
- El desierto de los tártaros by Dino Buzzati
- Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez
- Destejiendo el arco iris by Richard Dawkins
- El Horla by Guy de Maupassant
- La mano izquierda de la oscuridad by Ursula K. Le Guin
- El vizconde demediado by Italo Calvino
- El barón rampante by Italo Calvino
- El caballero inexistente by Italo Calvino