
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

September 15, 2020

Originally posted by Nandi Bushell also in:

I cant believe Mr. Grohl wrote a song about me!?! This is so so so #EPIC!! I think its the best song EVER, in the WORLD, EVER!!! Thank you so much Dave. You have raised the stakes to all instruments! I accept your next challenge! Thank you to the whole Grohl family! @foofighters


September 15, 2020

Originally posted by Bruce Lawson, Antifa. Black Lives Matter. also in:

Modern web development: “If you just spin up an instance of Golden Goose on Elastic Clownshoes, then clone the flugelhorn inside a Bangwoosh container, connect to the Zonk using Zonk -commit -rj -hgs.plonk, you’re good to go. Chrome only of course”

September 15, 2020

Originally posted by Cameron Hunter also in:

In video meetings it’s a hassle to unmute just to say one word especially if someone else is speaking. I created a video lens that uses hand gestures to show comic-book style messages instead. So far it’s been pretty fun!


September 14, 2020

Originally posted by Rafa in reply of this post also in:

I’ve also pushed a very small update to my website, and its chaotic layout (please, don’t look at the code 🙈).

That green screen is starting to pay off (@marisamorby 💚).


September 13, 2020

Originally posted by Humor And Animals also in:

i think everyone’s goal in life should be to be as happy as this lab at the playground (viralhog)


September 12, 2020

Originally posted by Josh Buchea 😷 also in:

I’m sick of how over-engineered and bloated the web is.

Most websites could just be some html + css + a <form>

September 10, 2020

Originally posted by Andreas_sensei also in:

Someone put Blade Runner 2049 music to drone footage of San Francisco on 9/09/20 credit to Terry Tsai (YouTube) #BayArea #BayAreaFires


September 7, 2020

Originally posted by foone also in:

Yesterday I had a lot of retweets and reddit posts and such for playing Doom on a pregnancy test. But as I explained then, it wasn’t really PLAYING on a pregnancy test, it was just a video being played back, not an interactive game.

Well, now it is. It’s Pregnancy Test Doom!


September 6, 2020

in reply of this post also in:

@NihilisticAlien @Tengoku Te esta mintiendo, es Billie Joe

September 5, 2020

Originally posted by Sanne Kalkman also in:

The other day, I followed the SVG course by @sarah_edo and I’ve been having a blast with it since. Here’s a little animation of one of my cats. He follows your mouse (or tap on mobile)


September 4, 2020

Originally posted by Shaw also in:

<legend>Zelda</legend> <link href=“past.css”>

September 4, 2020

Originally posted by foone also in:

I saw a tweet recently that I wanted to confirm. Sadly I can’t find it right now, but it was about digital pregnancy tests. So, I went out and grabbed a 2-pack for 7 dollars: let’s tear it down!


September 2, 2020

Originally posted by laura calabazas also in:

every time i think im doing some horrible frontend code that ‘works’ i think back to when fallout 3 wanted to animate a train but objects cant move in their engine so they gave an invisible guy a train-shaped-sized hat instead and made him run the tracks. thats the spirit

August 31, 2020

Originally posted by Stefan Plattner also in:

The Plus Four Wristlet Route Indicator, a British product from the 1920s, is a scroll-map navigator in the shape of a watch. It came with tiny interchangeable instructions that you scrolled manually to see which roads to take when driving.




August 27, 2020

Originally posted by Andrew McCarthy also in:

I took an 85 megapixel shot of the moon last night by blending together 24,000 individual image frames. #astrophotography #opteam #space


August 26, 2020

Originally posted by lihbr also in: is really becoming my favorite tool to test social cards with an easy to remember URL (yeah I do type them quite often haha) and quick access to official debuggers in order to invalidate cache on their ends~

August 22, 2020

Originally posted by Lumberzack also in:

hate when mfs weave latin and shit into their arguments. “𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰 𝘲𝘶𝘰” well damn bro omelette du fromage to you too

August 19, 2020

Originally posted by shiraz also in:

this is the best thing, ive ever seen, on twitter dot com


August 19, 2020

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

people who use spaces for indentation probably sleep on 4 thin pillows too because it’s more consistent across beds

August 17, 2020

Originally posted by MundoG also in:

¿Sabías que el Homebanking apareció por primera vez en la FAMICOM de Nintendo? @facundomounes te cuenta esta insólita historia y cómo evolucionó a lo largo del tiempo

Video completo ➡️

¡No te pierdas MundoG cada jueves desde las 20hs por @MTVLAargentina!


August 17, 2020

Originally posted by Chris Heilmann also in:

👉🏻 “Starboard brings cell-by-cell notebooks to the browser, no code is running on the backend here! It’s probably the quickest way to visualize some data with interactivity, do some prototyping, or build a rudimentary dashboard.”


August 16, 2020

Originally posted by Suz Hinton also in:

coding moodily while listening to @billieeilish is my new vibe apparently

August 16, 2020

Originally posted by Kat Maddox also in:

Theory: you can tell how terrifying a programming language is by Googling “[language] code” and seeing the distribution of dark mode to light mode screenshots.

Need to learn Python? Cool C? Hit or miss VHDL? Get a new career




August 15, 2020

Originally posted by Sarah Dayan also in:

One of my favorite software development practices is to wrap dependencies into custom abstractions.

I hate it when a third-party leaks all over my code and a refactor takes hours (if not days) because of it.

August 12, 2020

Originally posted by David Whitney also in:

Did you know that you can tab between files when renaming in @Windows?

Because you can, and it saves a lot of time :)


August 10, 2020

Originally posted by J:Hand also in:

~$ 2020 restart ~$ restart 2020 ~$ 2020 restart -f ~$ sudo 2020 restart


~$ sudo kill -9 2020 ~$ rm-rf ~/year/2020

I got nothin’… Anyone have any ideas?

August 6, 2020

Originally posted by Louis Hoebregts also in:

🧙‍♂️I’ve put a spell on my computer and I can now use my wand to control light on websites!

🪄 See how I can switch to dark/light modes on @cassiecodes @jh3yy & @xdesro portfolios✨

(For those who don’t believe in magic, I made a #Chrome extension using the Web Speech API🎙️)


August 5, 2020

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

the older I get the more solidified is the idea that open communication is absolutely key to any interpersonal relationship

it’s so cliche but, mismatch of expectations seems to be like 99% of interpersonal issues

July 30, 2020

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

I’ve said this before, will say it again (and again):

Thank you to everyone who’s got an RSS feed set up on their blog/Website. Double thank you to those of you showing the whole article in the feed. 🌺


July 30, 2020

Originally posted by Bess Kalb also in:

A friend’s male assistant is a fake email account she runs because people called her “difficult” and “impossible” for having small windows of availability until “he” started running interference and then people just accepted she was fucking busy. I AM VERY INTO THIS.

July 27, 2020

Originally posted by Scott Hanselman also in:

I’ll say it again the folks in the back - Medium is not a blog. It’s another walled garden like Facebook. Own your words or they can take them from you.

July 26, 2020

Originally posted by Tom Scott also in:

Working on code for a new project.

What I should do: learn the new state-of-the-art, figure out how to run this as a “serverless” system in The Cloud.

What I’m actually doing: fixing up decade-old PHP code, because it works, I trust it, and I know how to fix it if it breaks.

July 26, 2020

Originally posted by Rex Chapman🏇🏼 also in:

If you’re having a rough day please watch this cow singing Boehemian Rhapsody at a stop light.

Also, wear a mask…


July 22, 2020

Originally posted by Jake Archibald also in:

What if, instead of creating AMP, Google used the site’s RSS feed to render a lite version of the page using some kind of RSS reading web app…

July 15, 2020

Originally posted by Louis Hoebregts also in:

I missed the snowy mouse cursors on websites so I created a @googlechrome/@MicrosoftEdge extension to fix that✨

Now I’ve got my little bugs following my mouse and showing me the outlines of interactive elements 🐞 #fun


July 13, 2020

Originally posted by fat-tailed & unbalancedparentheses also in:

Biry, an argentinian, while playing a tournament of Age of Empires 2 DE wrote in the chat “Advanced to Castle Age”. His opponent thought it was a game notification and surrendered. Biry never passed to Castle Age. This is a typical and great example of “Argentineada”.


July 13, 2020

Originally posted by Tae’lur Alexis also in:

Normalizing being open about the fact that we don’t know everything is something I stand behind. There’s always something new to learn that we can share with others. And we shouldnt have our intelligence questioned because of it.

July 12, 2020

Originally posted by Tim Frost also in:

The entertainment manager in my nan’s care home decided to recreate album covers with some of the residents. This is my nan.


July 6, 2020

Originally posted by Mach Dent also in:

>KTLA illegal firework footage is trending >multiple comments about how “congratulations, we’ve literally become Blade Runner”

Me, a video editor with the soundtrack:


July 2, 2020

Originally posted by Lea Verou also in:

Now that all modern browsers support SVG favicons, here’s how to turn any emoji into a favicon.svg:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox=“0 0 100 100”> <text y=".9em" font-size=“90”>💩</text> </svg>

Useful for quick apps when you can’t be bothered to design a favicon!


July 2, 2020

Originally posted by Jane Manchun Wong also in:

I wrote a bookmarklet that redirects you to the original tweet of the video that someone else used in their tweet

I wish Twitter could make it easier to track it down though



July 2, 2020

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

I’m going to draw at least 20 cats!!

reply with your cats in their most glorious poses and perspectives!

I’m starting with our Thor!!


July 2, 2020

Originally posted by ralph waldo cybersyn also in:

PS3 emulator enthusiasts are downgrading the microcode on their Haswell CPUs, so that they can unlock the bugged implementation of TSX and get a big FPS boost on RPCS3


July 2, 2020

Originally posted by Quarynnetine Valente also in:

A completely empty ferry terminal at night…

And the only object in the room is an artfully placed full page newspaper explaining what happened.

Because life is a video game.



July 2, 2020

Originally posted by Florchus | Art Director also in:

Si quieren bajarse ebooks en español GRATIS y directo para su kindle o lector de ebooks (ePub) y usan TELEGRAM es aquí la panacea de los lectores: sigan a @descargaEbooksBot (ese nombre en Telegram) que el bot les encuentra por libro/autor en su más de 75.000 títulos. RT wachis

July 1, 2020

Originally posted by Chris Heilmann also in:

Dear Facebook ads: when I just bought something offering me 12 different other, similar products from other companies doesn’t mean I want them, too. The exchange has happened. We’re done here.

July 1, 2020

Originally posted by Kelly Vaughn 🐞 also in:

Dear websites,

Nobody wants to be forced to sign in to unsubscribe from your mailing list. Stop doing this.