
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

December 17, 2019

also in:

Para mi “El arte de la guerra” es el libro de las hippies con osde que flashean cosmos/buenas vibras/superacion y te comparten frasesitas con fotos de paisajes, y no los de Coelho.

December 12, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Portal Portal 2 Portal 2 Coop Portal 2 con mapas del Steam Workshop Portal 2 Coop con mapas del steam Workshop Aperture Tag

December 8, 2019

Originally posted by Emilia also in:

teoria conspirativa a nadie +21 le gusta realmente ir al boliche todo tu grupo de amigos esta fingiendo igual que vos pero nadie se anima a decirlo el resto de la gente que encontras ahí es una simulacion puesta con guita que invierte Absolut

December 5, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@EpyBocos Sera princesa, pero no de Disney, asi que no califica

December 5, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

—[ Fin del debate, no existe otra mejor ]—

December 5, 2019

also in:

Bueno, como estoy aburrido, hagamos un top/debate de las mejores princesas disney.

December 4, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 Lo voy a ver, de hecho se lo mandaron antes del ban-hammer

December 4, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

WOW, los incels existen, yo pense eran una especie de creepypasta de internet

December 4, 2019

also in:

Que tan a la derecha tenes que estar cuando un loco de un grupo de anime te dice que dejes 4chan?. MAMADERA

December 2, 2019

Originally posted by guido also in:

“Unpopular opinión: son ricos los churrascos” y todo así. Destruyeron ese género de tuit, chiques, asuman que no hay nada unpopular en sus vidas grises y convencionales, todos somos un valor aleatorio de la masa con una distribución normal. Vivan con eso.

December 1, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 @dankmorales_ Uhh ahora te prendo fuego la casita

December 1, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 Pobre Awada, nunca conocera el placer de tomar de una botella cortada con los dientes

November 28, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Te odio, estaba por hacer un tw muy parecido a este

November 28, 2019

Originally posted by Federico Ini also in:

Sobre el Terraplanismo: Nunca te olvides que millones de personas se compraron las pulseritas Power Balance porque las usaban deportistas famosos y te permitían tener equilibrio superior por su holograma cargado de frecuencias 🤦🏻 Seguro conocés alguien que pagó 50 💵 por ellas.


November 23, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Me encanta como cuando pienso que el mundo no puede ser mas bizarro/falopa pasan estas cosas

November 21, 2019

Originally posted by Karren also in:

Some great tips to think about when communicating information





November 15, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 “Si existen los extraterrestres son peronistas, porque estan en una etapa superior de la evolucion”


November 14, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@MileiPresi2023 @AgustinAbadia96 @julieta_aburto @will_noisebleed Singularidad as in “Proyecto de Complementación Humana”?

November 8, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 Ojo!, Eugenia dice que es zurda, parece lo lleva en la sangre. Para pensar eh.

November 8, 2019

Originally posted by ODIA in reply of this post also in:

@gcba @diegosantilli - Y si les gustaría ponerse a auditar el sistema para chequear como funciona, bueno… piénsenlo dos veces. Ven por que necesitamos que el estado use #SoftwareLibre ? +


November 5, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Puedo venir a fanear el diseño del mapa? Siempre me parecio una genialidad


October 28, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 @rockyugularrr Ahora nos vamos a tener que bancar un comunismo transoceanico liderado por Putin, marioneta de Mao

October 19, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Nooo, pero la {electricidad/gas/agua/transporte/cualquier servicio} estaba muy barato, por primera vez estamos pagando lo que realmente sale, como debe ser en cualquier pais real.

October 17, 2019

Originally posted by Mozilla also in:

We asked for your #YouTubeRegrets and received many shocking responses.

One viewer watched an educational video about cod liver oil — and was then recommended content about government mind control through fluoridated water.

Read 27 other stories:


October 17, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Vos porque no queres ver la verdad, seguro estas adoctrinada.


October 16, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@m49full No es pelicula, pero si visualmente llamativa. La serie de Legion

October 14, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Para, asumen que se multiplicar y dividir, donde esta la nota de esas dos operaciones?

October 12, 2019

Originally posted by Javier Smaldone also in:

Al final nos vamos a enterar de por qué me allanaron, se llevaron mis cosas, hurgaron en mis cajones, me llevaron detenido esposado y ahora quieren hurgar en mi celular y mi notebook. Eso, y a quiénes más estuvieron espiando. Gracias, @PatoBullrich. Enseguida les cuento…


October 9, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr “Mauricio Macri evalua recortar de la facu y se pone a ver Disney Channel”

October 8, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Que me decis de las camaras con “reconocimiento facial”? Me entere hoy que existian aca

October 7, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 Cortas el HL para publicar esto? LA CONCHA TUYA

September 27, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr Este album lo habia escuchado por cansancio y gedienta…. Fue lo mejor que le paso a mi oido, al igual que todo lo de Esteban.

September 20, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@rockyugularrr DIOS! Ni se gasto en leer aunque sea los carteles. Uno de esos en la primer foto es literal las caras y nombres de los desaparecidos. Y despues tambien un mural con todos.

September 12, 2019

Surfing the web i found three piece of software from my early days using a computer. They are:

Genecyst, the first ever emulator i have ever used. It came to me in a cd full of sega roms. Back in the days when internet wasnt a common thing.

Normy’s beach babe-o-rama, one of those thousands of roms in the cd. I used to love this game.

Crystal caves, one of the first games i have downloaded when i could access the internet.




September 12, 2019

Originally posted by Dianna Cowern also in:

Randall Monroe @xkcdComic tried to figure out how much data Google has. He did extensive calculations, published a writeup, and Google sent back a hilarious puzzle with their response. I don’t wanna spoil it so watch his amazing TED talk for the full story

August 9, 2019

Originally posted by Song Reactions also in:

The jealous girlfriend/unfaithful guy meme has an entire story on shutterstock (thread)




June 19, 2019

Originally posted by Suz Hinton also in:

me after one cocktail: absolutely miserable and about as incredibly serious as I pretend not to be normally

May 26, 2019

in reply of this post also in:

@AgustinAbadia96 @dankmorales_ repetir mientras se este vivo

April 14, 2019

Originally posted by Opinion Leader also in:

Most irritating thing about life is I can’t tell what’s a side quest and what isn’t

February 4, 2019

also in:

What have we found? Same old fears

February 4, 2019

also in:

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun

December 10, 2018

Originally posted by Damian Sowers also in:

Spoiler, the future of hollywood:

Star Wars 253: Obi-Wan the 5th vs. Captain America resurrected and zombie Stan Lee, by Marvel

November 22, 2018

Originally posted by Katie Mack also in:

In light of a massive #ChickenPox outbreak in North Carolina due to parents sending their kids to school unvaccinated, a friend of mine shared her story. Warning: it’s harrowing.




June 10, 2018

Originally posted by Chris Yiu also in:

Ever wondered how those adverts manage to keep on finding you - even when you go incognito, switch devices, or never actually searched for the product in the first place? Let us count the (many, many) ways [THREAD]

May 27, 2018

Originally posted by Bryan Liles also in:

Are you curious to why meritocracies don’t work, but are too smart to listen to explanations for lay persons? Here is a Bayes Theorem example for you smart guy.


April 22, 2018

also in:

everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon

February 5, 2018

also in:

Cupido, esta vez llegaste mas temprano de lo esperado.


January 29, 2018

also in:

Argentina mejor pais storia


January 4, 2018

Originally posted by Frédéric Bouchery also in:

Client: I want you to develop this application Dev: Give me 2 weeks Client: No, I want this for tomorrow. Dev: Okay, you decide… about the result.


January 3, 2018

also in:

Octaedro, la concha tuya, encuaderna mejor los libros

December 9, 2017

also in:

Nuevas aventuras se avecinan


December 1, 2017

Originally posted by Justin Mezzell also in:

I recommend coding if you enjoy aggressively alternating between feeling like the dumbest and the smartest person alive.

November 28, 2017

also in:


November 28, 2017

also in:

Nooo, Trenton no 😭😭

November 22, 2017

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

Sometimes the non-Native nature of English hits me hard in the head when going through content by native English speakers.

It’s good to remember that plain English helps everyone and reduces the cognitive load on the rest of us who don’t know the meaning of all words in English.

November 14, 2017

Originally posted by Sam Leith 🐝 also in:

My word of the year is Finnish. Kalsarikännit: “To get drunk at home in your underwear, with no intention of doing anything else.”