
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

August 5, 2023

Here’s what I’ll do today and it would be great if you would join me. On the website you’re working on today, find a stylesheet and add the following rule. *, *:hover { cursor: none !important; } That forces you to use the keyboard. If you find something that makes it hard or impossible to do using the keyboard, fix it! Not just for yourself but for everyone relying on keyboard accessibility. Edit: fixed code formatting

From a toot that i found in This link is only available by keyboard navigation by Terence Eden.

August 5, 2023

The function of a system is its output. If you have dog grooming machine that sometimes smashes puppies and you keep running it, you’re in the dog smashing business. If you work for a mass surveillance company that keeps enabling genocide and undermining democracy…

I don’t think you need to be civil to those people who are deliberately trying to harm you. Sure, you might get a more positive reaction if you gently cajole them or politely help them see the error of their ways. But sometimes it is important to let people know vociferously just how much their plans will hurt you and your puppies.

From I don’t think you need to be civil to puppy-smashers by Terence Eden

August 5, 2023

One of the many great things about the Fediverse (Mastodon, PixelFed, Lemmy, etc) is that your account is portable. (…) What happens to the people who blocked and muted you?

An interesting point in the fediverse world that still needs to be solved.

From Fediverse Account Portability And Blocking from Terence Eden

August 4, 2023

Yesterday I read a toot about google’s new privacy policy: google reserves the right to use any public content to train their AIs. The crazy thing about this change in their privacy policy is, of course, that it somehow gives them permission to do so, even if you never use any of their services. Simply by existing they think they have the right to use content on my website.

Google’s search results are pretty bad to begin with. There’s no clear distinction between results based on content and paid results, which makes it completely untrustworthy. You should never use their search engine (as you should probably never use any of their services).

From How to disagree with google’s privacy policy by Vasilis van Gemert

August 4, 2023

Me? I watch all of this unfold like Doctor Manhattan on Mars. I have no great connection to any of these places. They’re all just syndication endpoints to me.

When the current crop of services wither and die, my own website will still remain in full bloom.

From The syndicate by Jeremy Keith

August 1, 2023

Ask yourself: If you visit the website of your local doctor’s surgery to find out the opening hours, which browser is best: The one that displays the opening hours of the surgery, or the one that displays an XML parsing error message?

One of the great things about browsers is they’re error-tolerant, and browsers weren’t interested in giving that up.

Another excellent point about the power of the web. Even with a malformed document, browser could give you some partial information.

From The case against self-closing tags in HTML by Jake Archibald

July 30, 2023

Ultimately, we want a world where people are in control of their computing experiences. People should be able to teach their computers the meaning behind their data, and choose how that data gets transformed and displayed in helpful ways—in service of adorning our computer-embroidered reality with hundreds of individual personal expressions.

Everything by the folks at Ink & Switch is amazing, and Potluck Dynamic documents as personal software is no exception.

A clear example of how a well thought user experience, mixed with a little standarization that they call personal micro-syntax and the tools that we already been using for years, could make a WHOLE difference without needing cutting edge technology.

You could try a demo, but better go read the full article.

July 30, 2023

Documentation is one of those things that you don’t appreciate until you have to work without it—trying to make sense of a code base, library, or API without documentation can be a very stressful and overwhelming experience, and it can cause all sorts of problems for your team.

Nobody can point out shortcomings on your team quite as well as new hires can.

Good documentation not only helps your seasoned developers to navigate unfamiliar areas of the product and amass more domain knowledge, but it also helps newcomers to get up and running more quickly and familiarize themselves with your team.

In practice, good documentation should go beyond the code itself and also cover your team, the product, your work process, areas of specialization, and many other important details.

The bigger and more complex your product, the more likely it is to consist of many moving pieces that work together. Senior developers on your team probably have intimate knowledge of this data flow, but other developers may only specialize in one or two areas, and newer developers will need to spend time working with the product before they understand how all or even some of the pieces relate to one another.

Navigating a new code base on a new team at a new company without documentation is like hiking in the middle of nowhere without a map or compass: Eventually, you’re going to lose your way. Documentation—especially the right kind of documentation—can make a world of difference for your team

From Writing Better Documentation by Aleksandr Hovhannisyan

July 29, 2023

Sound is another beautiful and deep explanation full of amazing visuals by Bartosz Ciechanowski. All his posts are a treasure.

July 27, 2023

Believe it or not, a whole Internet “world” exists beyond Zuckerberg’s and Musk’s walled gardens. In fact, social media is only a part of the Internet. Extensive exploration will reveal uncounted personal blogs, many of which are informative, thought-provoking, and in many ways superior places to spend one’s online time than the social media walled gardens. I am sure you know about other sources of entertainment like Netflix, YouTube, and the many YouTube alternatives. Were you aware that hundreds of free documentary films exist on websites like Top Documentary Films, Documentary Heaven, and Open Culture? Are you aware of the free books that can be found on line? Have you visited the Gutenberg project lately, or ever? I trust you have heard of podcasts. Many unpaywalled online newspapers still exist. Have you heard of RSS feed readers for delivering content of your choosing instead of content chosen for you by an algorithm designed to addict you? My point is that social media walled gardens are actually only a small part of the Internet, and believe it or not, you can live without them.

If you have an unsatisfied need for better social media experiences, leave the slums of Facebook, Twitter, and similar billionaire-created, vermin-infested areas of the Internet and search for better places to be social. If you have been restrained in one of those pens for many years, you may not be aware of the wide variety of alternatives available. Smaller Internet communities are always springing up. Unfortunately, many are also dying, but those on the Fediverse allow you to take your data with you when they do. So, if social media is what you crave, go find better sites than the ones billionaires offer.

Find a small community that suits you. Join it and make online friends in an atmosphere that is not intended to drive you crazy because crazy makes the platform owners rich.

Perhaps the best thing about smaller social media sites is that their users know each other. Not only that, but when they have a question about or an issue with the platform, they actually have someone to talk to who they can be reasonably assured will respond. Small social sites have formed actual communities beyond the reach of billionaires who sometimes seem bent on stomping out that type of behavior at all costs. Those who run smaller sites take the time to solve problems rather than pretending they don’t exist while ignoring users’ reasonable complaints. The reason for this is that those running small sites are not focused on wasting their lives playing the so-you-want-to-be-a-billionaire game. They are focused on creating places where they too can enjoy socializing.

Avoid the toxic walled gardens. Seek out better social media sites with people you can identify with and with whom you can enjoy interacting.

I think those who are willing to spend a substantial amount of time exploring beyond the walled gardens of Facebook, Twitter, and the other large social media sites will eventually learn for themselves that parts of the Internet remain unmarred by crass commercialism. Non-toxic, non-addictive, and non-depressing social media sites still exist in many hidden corners of the web and on other networks not visited by the large search engines. Valuable knowledge can still be gleaned from a large part of the Internet. Interesting conversations can still be engaged in. Online friends can still be made far beyond the control of the money-motivated gatekeepers, toxic social media networks, and psychopathic billionaires.

From Finding “The Internet” Toxic and Depressing? Consider Leaving Your Walled Garden. by Cheapskate’s Guide to Computers and the Internet

July 27, 2023

With the way the Internet works these days, if you don’t have anonymity, you don’t have privacy. […] The only way of retaining any privacy is by making the association of your identity with your traffic as difficult as possible. […] In other words, anonymity is the only guarantee you have that any private data associated with your identity will not be used against you when it is eventually sold, stolen, or turned over to some government agency. The only way of doing this is to either not give any private information in the first place or not provide a way for anyone to associate the information you give with your true identity. Since the former is not always possible these days (for example, in the case of opening an account without providing an email address or phone number), that leaves the latter.

Unfortunately, many organizations now require an email address before they will give you the time of day.

Back at the end of the 1980’s when the Internet first came to the attention of the masses, anyone who had the required knowledge, a personal computer, and an “always-on” Internet connection could run his own email server and have free email without having to deal with any sort of email provider, and he could also give his friends free email. Anyone with these resources has always been able to run his own email server because email uses an open protocol. Thanks to the inherently free nature of email (free as in freedom), most companies were simply unable to charge for email services. That would have been like charging for air to breath.

From The Age of Anonymous Email is Nearly Over by Cheapskate’s Guide to Computers and the Internet

July 27, 2023

In 100 years there will be a viral podcast or whatever about tracking down this once-famous, now-lost art, and how it ended up in the hands of a Dubai crypto speculator and then left on an abandoned and rotting blockchain. It’s weird seeing this “losing” step play out in real-time.

Whether or not the owners of /watch?v=_OBlgSz8sSM have set the video to private or not, this URL now belongs to the world, and at the very least it needs to be preserved and a link added to explain what kind of monument this is.

An interesting look at how today’s content will be preserved in the future. Dont be a prisoner of walled gardens. Own your content.

From Charlie Bit My Finger should be acquired for the nation by Matt Webb

July 21, 2023

When you think about building fluid layouts these days isn’t about having fixed-width breakpoints anymore. Instead, the layouts we build today need to work on nearly any device size.

I talk with clients and designers who think responsive design is simply having a web page designed with two versions: one for desktop, and the other for mobile. This is considered an old, outdated way of dealing with the web nowadays.

First things first, right? For me, I consider that the web is responsive by default. When you think about it, adding a bunch of HTML elements without any CSS, works on any screen size.

It’s responsive by default until we decide to move things next to each other. […] So, the web is responsive by default, unless we start getting creative in designing our layouts.

From The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond by Ahmad Shadeed

July 21, 2023

More and more devices that we use every day that were once dumb machines now come with embedded computers and software that is often set to update automatically over the Internet. Televisions, toasters, refrigerators, automobiles, ovens, DVR’s–even speakers, light bulbs, and toothbrushes. Seemingly, whatever a manufacturer can possibly stuff a computer into is now fair game. And we are told that we must update our software constantly, because ransomware gangs and other criminals are prowling every IP address on the Internet looking for vulnerable devices to pry their way into.

One may point to multiple examples in which bad software updates have led to great inconvenience for their owners. One was highlighted by Apple’s 113 million court settlement in 2020 over iOS updates that slowed the operation the iPhone 7 and 6S. In fact, the slowdown was so severe that some customers felt the need to buy new iPhones. Another event occurred in 2019 when a Chinese NIO electric automobile stopped in traffic and imprisoned its occupant for over an hour after it was disabled by an over-the-air software update. At least one Lucid Air EV was also disabled the same way in 2022. Windows users are very familiar with reports over the years of certain Windows updates breaking users’ computers. And finally, a recent automatic update of firmware that was designed to prevent the use of third-party ink “rendered some models of HP OfficeJet printers useless for weeks”. Customers were forced to mail their printers back to HP for repairs.

From Automatic Software Updates: Blessing or Curse?

July 17, 2023

Reading Whose Cert Is It Anyway? by Jan Schaumann i found the following bug reports that are hilarous, along some of its comments. Add Honest Achmed’s root certificate, Add my root CA cert to mozilla’s trusted root CA cert list, Security concerns with the e-Tugra certificate authority

Resolved invalid? What’s the difference between Honest Achmed and the other CAs? Just an audit report? The community should chip in!

Considering the problems at DigiNotar I vote for giving Honest Achmed a second chance!

The reality is that nobody really cares, nothing that bad has happened (at least in the western world, ignoring the spyware and dead journalists, and repression in various countries). I have a briefing on this and it boils down to “if you want to be especially paranoid do what VISA does (, there’s no point in trying to prevent bad CAs from getting in or staying in”.

And finally, a quote from the article itself

If you’re wondering whether you really need to have over 160 different CAs in your trust bundle, I suspect the answer is “no”; you could likely get away with fewer than 20 and wouldn’t notice the difference. But whether that’s a good thing, whether it’s wise for the entire internet to place all – well, >99% – of its certificates/eggs into fewer than 10 CAs/baskets seems more than questionable.

It seems that we arent living the decentraliced dream that we believe, and the security of all the internet is at hands of a few companies.

July 17, 2023

User Experience matters. That’s why Usenet lost. It was hard to set up, there was a ton of terminology to learn, sticky posts with group etiquette didn’t exist, trolls and grieffers couldn’t be moderated away, and the whole thing looked like a 1990s shareware accountancy package.

I’m a little sad that Reddit is further enclosing the commons. And I doubt this will lead to a resurgence in Usenet. But I hope it will give open source and open standards developers a little jolt towards designing user experiences which are fun and easy to use.

From Why did Usenet fail? by Terence Eden

July 16, 2023

Screenshot of the feature

Reading Animated Pride Flags (a beautiful and wonderful post as everything that he does) by Josh W. Comeau, i found about The Trevor Project and this EXCELLENT feature.

Press ESC three times and leave the site, even replacing the current history entry.

Although is extremly awful and sad that this kind of features have to exists in our world

July 16, 2023

But to answer your question, the World Wide Web never stays still so there’s always something to get excited about. Equally, the longer the web exists, the more sense it makes to examine the fundamental bedrock—HTML, accessibility,progressive enhancement—and see how they’re just as important as ever. And that’s also something to get excited about!

Seriously though, the thing that’s really bugged me for the past decade is the increasing complexity of “modern” frontend development when it isn’t driven by user needs. Yes, I’m talking about JavaScript frameworks like React and the assumption that everything should be a single page app.

Honestly, the mindset became so ubiquitous that I felt like I must be missing something. But no, the situation really has spiralled out of control, much to the detriment of end users.

From Five questions by Jeremy Keith

July 15, 2023

We ended up with a lot of these meta-commands. ParallelCommand, LoopCommand, ConditionalCommand…the list goes on. The more we did this, the worse it felt to me. We were basically creating a crappy programming language out of Java classes. And while this did make things a little more reusable, it doubled the boilerplate and split it into tiny pieces.

The students really struggled with this. It’s already difficult for beginners to reason about a single function, much less a meta-function whose pieces are spread across ten different files. I struggled with this when I was a student too, with my commands stomping on each other, ruining each other’s exit conditions, etc.

And at the end of the day, none of this even looks like programming. We would teach students how to write procedural code, with if statements and loops and local variables, and then our autonomous code would throw it all out the window. They weren’t writing Java any more, they were writing Command Code.

After using coroutines successfully for a couple years, I can confidently say that we are never going back. For the first time in a decade, our autonomous code feels like code, and the students can actually write it!

Notice how none of these things have to do with how the program actually works. Although they can’t articulate it, beginners can recognize when they are not learning anything tangible or useful. If you have a hard time persuading a student that some idea is important, consider that it probably isn’t.

Commands were a perfect example of this. No amount of explaining the lifecycle methods of init, execute, isFinished, and end really stuck with the students - I was always met with blank stares.

From Coroutines make robot code easy by Ben Visness

July 15, 2023

Because Google is Google, the only thing that we as users can trust is that if they can make money with ads, the product is more likely to live, otherwise it’s going to die.

Google has sunk its teeth into our daily lives with Gmail and Google Calendar and YouTube and Drive (and more), and they’ve made these tools (amongst others, Google Domains included) really convenient. They all just work together, and their APIs are solid enough that third party developers can build off of them relatively easily. And because they own the APIs as a centralized system, developers are at the whim of whatever they decide to change. They can monetize it however they want, and control how content is served to an extent.

When you use communication software that is fully proprietary, you’re at the mercy of the creators of that software and how (and sometimes what) they want you to communicate. When you use software based on open standards, you’re able to more easily transfer how you communicate and work to other platforms if you want to.

When you contribute to the standard in addition to your own software, you’re benefitting everyone, which is ultimately good for your business.

From Open standards, trust, and Google by Cassidy Williams

July 14, 2023

Look at almost any job posting for front-end development and you’ll see that CSS still isn’t valued as its own skill. Never mind that you could specialise in a subset of CSS—layout, animation, architecture—and provide 10× value to an organisation, the recruiters are going to play it safe and ask you if you know React.

Rachel Nabors and I were chatting about this gap between the real and perceived value of modern CSS. She astutely pointed out that CSS is kind of a victim of its own resilience. The way you wrote CSS ten years ago still works, and will continue to work. That’s by design. Yes, you can write much better, more resilient CSS today, but if those qualities aren’t valued by an organisation, then you’re casting your pearls before swine.

That said, it’s also true that the JavaScript you wrote ten years ago also continues to work today and will continue to work in the future. So why is it that devs seem downright eager to try the latest JavaScript hotness but are reluctant to use CSS that’s been stable for years?

Or perhaps that’s not an accurate representation of the JavaScript ecosystem. It may well be that the eagerness only extends to libraries and frameworks. There’s reluctance to embrace native JavaScript APIs like Proxy or web components. There’s a weird lack of trust in web standards, and an underserved faith in third-party libraries.

She compared the number of “front-end” conferences dedicated to JavaScript—over 50 listed on one website—to the number of conferences dedicated to CSS. There’s just one. CSS Day.

From Days of style and standards by Jeremy Keith

July 12, 2023

The idea is that if I found it confusing, lots of other people probably did too, even though the information might theoretically be out there on the internet somewhere. Just because there is information on the internet, it doesn’t get magically teleported into people’s brains!

technology changes, and the details matter. Maybe the exact details about how to do something have changed in the last 5 years, and there isn’t much written about the situation in 2023!

I think the reason I keep writing these blog posts encouraging people to blog is that I love reading people’s personal stories about how they do stuff with computers, and I want more of them.

I’ve looked at page view analytics a lot in my life, and I’ve never really gotten anything out of it. Comments like this one mean a lot more to me:

Hey, @b0rk. Just wanted to let you know that this post really helped me to improve my skill of understanding a complex concept. Thanks! :) If it helps one person, I figure I’ve won. And probably it helped 10 other people who didn’t say anything too!

Blogging isn’t for everyone. Tons of amazing developers don’t have blogs or personal websites at all. I write because it’s fun for me and it helps me organize my thoughts.

From Some blogging myths by Julia Evans

July 12, 2023

This demand touches absolutely everything, and shapes the evolution of web technologies in ways I don’t think we fully appreciate. You want to add a new selector type? It has to be performant. This is what blocked :has() (and similar proposals) for such a long time. It wasn’t difficult to figure out how to select ancestor elements — it was very difficult to figure out how to do it really, really fast, so as not to lower typical rendering speed below that magic 60fps. The same logic applies to new features like view transitions, or new filter functions, or element exclusions, or whatever you might dream up. No matter how cool the idea, if it bogs rendering down too much, it’s a non-starter.

From First-Person Scrollers by Eric Meyer

July 12, 2023

It’s kind of amazing you can create a whole new platform/device and everything on the web “Just Works”.

It’s 2023 and would you look at that: semantic, accessible HTML is still as important as ever. HTML isn’t just for old beige tower computers connected to cathode-ray tube monitors. It’s being relied on by the most technologically advanced AR/VR consumer device in 2023.

From Thoughts from “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing” by Jim Nielsen

July 10, 2023

After a bit of clicking around, I figured out what had happened. A user on the Kbin social network had linked to my Mastodon profile. Thanks to the magic of the ActivityPub protocol, it filtered into my mentions - even though I’ve never even heard of Kbin. That’s pretty cool! A user on one social network can mention a user on a different social network - neither needs to be registered on the other.

If I post something on Lemmy saying “I don’t think that Trump fellow is entirely my cup of tea”, I can start receiving vitriolic comments from a dozen different networks which sprang up in the last week and will vanish tomorrow. Not lovely.

From Federation is pretty cool, but kinda confusing, and maybe a little scary by Terence Eden

July 10, 2023

I get that an A-Z layout is more logical than QWERTY. But surely there are more people who use QWERTY than not? Perhaps the technophobes generate more support calls? Maybe it’s just too complicated to ask users if they want a choice of layout?

From Just use QWERTY! by Terence Eden

July 2, 2023

Originally posted by ShaunJS 🩋 also in:

The internet just sucks now doesn’t it. Google sucks, Twitter sucks, Facebook sucks, Reddit sucks, journalism sucks, discord sucks. We stand in the smouldering ruins of a city of Dreams. Aggregated, homogenised and exploited dry of any value or soul. The whole internet is dead.

July 1, 2023

Originally posted by antirez also in:

Twitter is in desperate decline. And social media, in general, is in terrible shape. That’s our fault, dear friends. To exchange messages and pictures is a trivial internet function, not unicorn worth: we killed IRC and NNTP, dismissed RSS, and now that’s the world we get.

July 1, 2023

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

I have to figure out how to survive as a creator online when platforms are as unstable as they are right now

the hard part is not finding a stable platform for your content, you can always self-host

the hard part is taking your audience with you, and staying discoverable

July 1, 2023

Originally posted by Suz Hinton also in:

if you’re only thinking about technology as far as how you can profit from it or exploit others for your gain, you’re on the most narrow and uninspired path possible

June 30, 2023

Originally posted by Freya Holmér in reply of this post also in:

I want games to be created with more heart and care, not less

I want to feel inspired when I see a piece of art, to know that there was someone who created it, someone who cared about it

I don’t care if it’s polished or shiny, I just want it to see humanity in it

June 28, 2023

in reply of this post also in:

@Alienaditox @shouldhaveanima @KitaTokiDoki @RedPandaEveryHr

June 26, 2023

Originally posted by Peñargrol also in:

jdjsjsjs se corto la luz y se puso a relatar el fĂștbol 5 de al lado ☠⚰☠⚰


June 24, 2023

once you start turning these off, you realize that most notifications are actually just avenues for companies trying to boost your engagement with their apps. like those reddit notifications you get about random people posting? totally for engagement. do you actually need to hear from them? no! turn them off. give me my autonomy: i’d rather pull than be pushed.

often people reaching out to me can really take me away from my present or ruin my focus. imagine you’re having dinner with someone but you keep reading messages from other people or messaging them — isn’t that really sad? you literally have someone of infinite depth right in front of you! talk to them!

but also, there are some notifications that are really mentally heavy, and could completely ruin your day. i’ve definitely gotten some of these messages. if possible, i’d like to handle these things when i’m not working or having a good time with friends, since it’ll just change my reality. you know, there used to be times when people weren’t reachable 24/7.

From Notifications Suck by Stephen Jayakar

June 24, 2023

You use whatever software works for you. You use what collaboration and communication methods work for you. You break up into teams how works best for you. You’re not wrong unless what you are using or doing isn’t working.

It works for so many things.

It works for exercise. You don’t have to run, just get that heart rate up a little. But if running works for you, run. There are endless ways to benefit from exercise.

It works for wine. You don’t have to drink Italian reds. I’m a Burgundy guy myself. Any sommelier worth their salt will tell you should drink what you like and there are no wrong answers.

From What Works For You by Chris Coyier

June 24, 2023

And while this is cool and all, I’m still skeptical about all this added complexity to attach event listeners and update some state.

Suppose you’re building Gmail, sure! There’ll be a lot of interactivity to manage. But I doubt that many web developers build apps on that scale and are still building good old websites that rely on CRUD operations.

And it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Qwik, React, Svelte, or whatever’s hot tomorrow. I keep circling around the question: is all this effort worth it to change the DOM after a button click?

From Resumability, compilers and event delegation by Stefan Judis

June 24, 2023

What helps facing an empty page is a reminder you’ve been there before and survived. What helps with writing and rewriting is the embarrassing notion that you can button mash yourself into greatness. You have no idea how often I kept moving things around and arrived at a perfect flow not through careful thinking, but by brute labour that resulted in a happy accident. Since it happened to me a few times, I now assume that this happens to other writers, too.

From To-do by Robin Rendle

June 24, 2023

What kills great teams isn’t the lack of team offsites but the lack of focus, direction, resources, support, and financial recompense. A trip to the arcade or the bowling alley is incapable of fixing any of these problems. They are, at best, a distraction from mismanagement. Look at how well managed this team is! Look at all this fun!

But going to a cocktail bar is not enough to forgive the rambling, anxious meetings that go nowhere or the flip-flopping when it comes to decision making.

From Offsite by Robin Rendle

June 16, 2023

Originally posted by Chris Coyier also in:

I’m just extremely confused. Like the INTERNET COMPANY Google. The CLOUD SERVICES PROVIDER Google. The company who’s success partially rests on us trusting them to DO THE WORLD WIDE WEB GOOD. Is like… domain names? Not for us. We’re gonna let this WYSIWYG CMS handle that.

June 10, 2023

But, more importantly, its documentation educates the reader about the subject matter – it goes beyond API docs into how to use it, how to get specific things done with it, and the underlying problem it is solving.

Read the documentation to find out how, and more importantly, why – a mental model of the thing you’re using will make you more productive, and will improve any guesses you make.

From Why you should still read the docs by Adrian

June 7, 2023

Originally posted by Cassie Evans also in:

I do not want digital content in my physical space.

I want candles and books and freshly baked bread and soft blankets. Thank you.

June 6, 2023

Hey what’s it like to be together in new spaces? It’s a process: “we will also find ourselves having new etiquette for these new technologically created situations.” Like: robot cars.

For instance, let’s take this scenario that gets thrown around about the autonomous, ride-sharing car that people are getting into and out of all the time. Does it work like an elevator or a bus? The real issue with driverless and shared cars is not going to be whether or not they’re safe, but how awkward the conversation will be when you get into one. What if the other person farts?

From Filtered for being together and getting on by Matt Webb

June 6, 2023

Originally posted by Scott Hanselman 🌼 in reply of this post also in:

Optimize for the đŸ’©audience. Why 1080p and not 4k with giant fonts? You THINK you are presenting your 4k screen to an audience with a giant TV streaming you in their living room. Nope. You’re streaming to someone recieving you at 720p on their phone while they sit on the can.

June 3, 2023

The more you leverage a compilation process, the more you start writing code for the compiler that has no chance of portability and that I feel has problems down the road. Think of how no one at the company wants to touch the Webpack config for fear of it all falling down. Every shortcut is a potential pain point in a refactor down the road.

Regardless of how convenient something is to add into my build process, I still want to abide in the Rule of Least Power as a programming principle. My ideal coding environment is to have zero build processes. Those who build with Web Components have tasted this buildless future.

My ideal “compiler” right now might be something that generates an import map and injects it into my pages then touches nothing else except possibly minifying (without uglification).

Anyways, my criticisms aren’t about Svelte or Vue and probably more general about compilers themselves. I’m tired of them. I’ve built a lot of code modification pipelines over the years and you know what always breaks down? The code modification pipelines.

From My double standards about JS framework compilers by Dave Rupert

June 3, 2023

While I agree with Robb’s post, I also want to acknowledge that sometimes the job is an assembly line. Times exist when you need to slow down, think, explore, and use the non-lizard side of your brain to mold the clay and there are also times where you need to get from Point A to Point B with as little over-thinking as possible. A core part of our jobs is knowing which tasks require which mindset.

From Sometimes the job is an assembly line by Dave Rupert

June 3, 2023

If you’re selling hammers, you’ll depict a world full of nails.

Recent hammers include cryptobollocks and virtual reality. It wasn’t enough for blockchains and the metaverse to be potentially useful for some situations; they staked their reputations on being utterly transformative, disrupting absolutely every facet of life.

This kind of hype is a terrible strategy in the long-term. But if you can convince enough people in the short term, you can make a killing on the stock market. In truth, the technology itself is superfluous. It’s the hype that matters. And if the hype is over-inflated enough, you can even get your critics to do your work for you, broadcasting their fears about these supposedly world-changing technologies.

The latest hammer is machine learning, usually—incorrectly—referred to as Artificial Intelligence. What makes this hype cycle particularly infuriating is that there are genuine use cases. There are some nails for this hammer. They’re just not as plentiful as the breathless hype—both positive and negative—would have you believe.

The most interesting uses of this technology that I’ve seen involve a constrained dataset. Like the way Luke trained a language model on his own content to create a useful chat interface.

From Nailspotting by Jeremy Keith

June 3, 2023

It all starts with the idea that a blog isn’t just a mere collection of notes in a Web-log. It is more than that because it involves one crucially important, magical act: publishing. Publishing our notes holds us as authors accountable, it forces us to shape our notes so that others will be able to make sense of them as well.

His approach is to not limit his input at all, meaning that he curiously allows to enter his mind whatever draws his attention, regardless of whether it might seem relevant or “useless” in his current situation. There is no such thing as useless information, because you never know which new ideas will emerge as a synthesis of all the individual fragments of creative input you were exposed to in the past.

From by Matthias Ott

June 1, 2023

Originally posted by Santiago do Rego also in:

Las nuevas funciones de IA dentro de Photoshop son tremendas. Tomé discos del rock nacional, agregué espacio en blanco alrededor para que la IA lo complete como quiera y los terminé con un poco de edición. Decime cuål te gustó mås #ia #ai #firefly #photoshop #rock #generativefill


May 31, 2023

also in:

Todos los grandes nos dejan.


May 30, 2023

Take a moment and think about this super power: if you write vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS, all you have to do is put that code in a web browser and it runs. Edit a file, refresh the page, you’ve got a feedback cycle. As soon as you introduce tooling, as soon as you introduce an abstraction not native to the browser, you may have to invent the universe for a feedback cycle. No longer writing CSS and instead writing Sass? Now you need a development server with a build process to watch your files and compile your changes just to develop and test your project. You’ve just added a giant, blocking dependency for your project to work. And if you can’t get that dependency working, your project is dead in the water until you can—both now and in the future.

The more I author code as it will be run by the browser the easier it will be to maintain that code over time, despite its perceived inferior developer ergonomics (remember, developer experience encompasses both the present and the future, i.e. “how simple are the ergonomics to build this now and maintain it into the future?) I don’t mind typing some extra characters now if it means I don’t have to learn/relearn, setup, configure, integrate, update, maintain, and inevitably troubleshoot a build tool or framework later.

From Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies by Jim Nielsen

May 30, 2023

But if you’re already stuck, AI will not be able to help you — because more of the same information is not going to help. So if you cannot understand a subject with the information found publicly, you will continue not to be able to understand what you found through AI.

To get unstuck, a different kind of information is necessary.

What you need is information that will correct your concepts (and the way you see things).

From How AI will shape the coding ecosystem in the future by Zell Liew

May 30, 2023

The success of any open source project relies on the collaboration and participation of individuals from all over the world. In order to foster a healthy and productive open source community, it’s crucial to prioritize empathy and kindness towards one another.

Empathy allows us to understand and relate to the experiences of others. It’s important to recognize that not everyone has the same level of expertise or access to resources, and that’s okay.

From Empathy in Open Source by Sindre Sorhus

May 29, 2023

Originally posted by LGR also in:

Today on LGR: Building the Ultimate Oddware Tower!

For YEARS now I’ve wanted to get a huge Antec Twelve Hundred case and fill every one of its dozen 5.25" drive bays with weird and strange 90s and 2000s devices, creating a sort of towering Oddware Museum


May 27, 2023

Of course, don’t feel guilty if you do opt for something that’s playing it safe and may look like a million other sites out there. If it’s got a job to do, and do it well, then it’s to be expected to look and function a certain way.

But, if you’re creating a site for a ‘So cool it hurts’ art gallery in San Fransisco then you know the target audience will gladly accept something that’s a little different from the norm.

From Dare to be different if that’s what your target audience expects by Marc Andrew

May 25, 2023

They–we–created a human-centric Internet to serve the needs of human beings. Without human beings, without people, without us, the Internet would have remained in the hands of the military, defense contractors, colleges, and universities. It would never have grown to be what it is today. It would never have been used for educating school children during a frightening pandemic, serving as a tool for each of us to gather information about our ailments that healthcare professionals often refuse to provide, learning which doctors and dentists to choose and which to avoid, discussing politics with strangers, viewing the latest Star Wars movies, dating on line, or even entertaining us with online games.

The Internet of the late 1990’s to mid 2000’s afforded many opportunities for friendship and growth. Six years ago, Rachael White wrote of her early Internet experiences, “Other than now, as a 31 year old woman, I don’t think I’ve ever had as many friendships with women as I did when I was a teenager spending all my free time on the Internet. Not only were other teen girls super into self-expression via blogging in a pre-WordPress era, they really wanted to help each other out!” Winnie Lim wrote, “I would have probably never learnt to love myself if not for online spaces. I wouldn’t have known the variety of love I knew in the physical world was toxic, that it was okay to love someone of the same sex, that I wasn’t the only person in this world doubting the value of existence, that there were others like me who could only express ourselves through online mediums.”

Participation in the Internet grew and grew and grew for three decades. But as the Internet grew to the point where even truck drivers, grocery store checkers, and plumbers were on line, things began to change. Companies gradually took control of content where mostly individuals had once enjoyed free reign. The friendship, uplift, and comradery of geeky introverted nerds was gradually mixed with hostility and bigotry. The Internet began to turn dark and soul-sucking for some. To be perfectly fair, wherever human beings gather, we find good and evil shoulder to shoulder. The negative side of the Internet was always there, but early social sites were much smaller and better controlled. And, on an Internet with many small social networks, individuals who were dissatisfied with one could always move to another.

The giant companies that took over the Internet could not have cared less about the original vision that created it. Tim Berners-Lee and the others began to be largely ignored, except perhaps by a few who understood what was happening. Corporations cared only about making money with the network that others had created. As Keanu Reeves recently stated succinctly, “Corporations don’t give a f**k.” These companies gradually transformed the Internet into the largest sales tool the world has ever know. It became bigger than radio and television. It put newspapers and magazines that had been around for a hundred years out of business. It transformed the way business was conducted.

In the process of transforming the Internet into a bland lifeless reflection of themselves, these companies all but removed every trace of humanity they could from the Internet. They hid the human face of the personal website. They began replacing the personal computer with the cellphone and other appliances running software they controlled.

Those who had once reveled in the freedom the early Internet had afforded gradually learned the importance of online anonymity. But companies also began to take that away by forcing individuals to identify themselves before they would be given the “privilege” of opening an account on a corporate-controlled site where their data would be mined and sold to the highest bidder. Despite the great odds against them, a few individuals fought back by refusing to hide their individuality. They fought back by creating their own tiny blogs and social media sites like,,,, and various imaginative sites on neocities.

Today, the soul of the once young and vibrant Internet is dying a slow painful death. Can it be saved? I don’t know. But I do know one thing. Companies and governments did not create the Internet. Companies and in rare cases governments may have commissioned transmission lines and assembled network hardware. They may have strung wire between telephone poles and later dug trenches and lined them with fiber-optic cable. But they did not create the Internet. We did.

If the Internet can be saved, we must save it. We must save it by not being mere consumers of inane corporate-created content which often says little more than, “buy my product”. We must save the Internet by being producers of our own online content that we control. We must write our own software. We must resist being corralled into giant social media networks and instead support alternatives to the social media they control by spending more of our time on small social media networks

We must put our own web servers on line and fill them with web pages containing our own perspectives and insights.

We must protect this grand vision for a better world and the principles upon which the Internet was founded from those who wish to destroy it.

From Only We can Create a More Human Internet by Cheapskate’s Guide

May 25, 2023

Today, many if not most ten-year-old computers work perfectly well for word processing, surfing the Internet, watching movies, listening to music, and most of the other things average consumers do.

Another advantage Big Tech has is that most consumers do not understand how much processing power they actually need in a PC. Many think they need the latest generation Core i7 CPU to surf the Internet or write a letter. Increasingly inefficient software is part of the reason for this. We use Microsoft Office to write documents in part because we do not know about alternatives like Libre Office, Free Office, and Open Office. Many of us use Microsoft Outlook because we either do not know about or have not bothered to try alternatives, like for instance Thunderbird, Claws Mail, or even leaner faster Linux alternatives like Mutt.

Now, on top of waiting for Microsoft’s slow software to load and run, we are forced to endure advertisements on our computers, because no matter how much a company earns, it always wants more. It will never be satisfied until it has extracted every last penny from us that it can.

Usually, a customer only begins to understand that he has been duped after purchasing a high priced item and then realizing that he cannot buy lower priced accessories made my other manufacturers. For example, when a buyer spends $3000 on a new laptop from Apple, he soon learns that he needs all new cables, because the ones he has are incompatible with the ports on his new laptop. He also learns that Apple cables are multiple times the price of other cables. He must also buy only Apple peripherals that are compatible with the ports on his laptop. And he can only purchase software from the Apple store, unless he is more knowledgeable than the average consumer and understands how to load other software using alternative means.

Something else that Big Tech has on its side is the myth of the efficient market place. This myth says that if a better way of computing existed, we would already have it. When we believe the myth, we deny the manipulation of the computer market by Big Tech. We ignore history–including their refusal to sell lower-priced less powerful computers until Asus forced them to in 2007 with the EEE PC. We ignore the fact that they have been telling us that computers have become less upgradeable because thin and upgradeable are not both possible, until recently when the Framework laptop revealed that as false. Most importantly, when we believe the myth, we abandon the search for better, less expensive options. When we believe that we have thin, light, completely nonupgradeable computers because they are the best products, we do not ask why we have no other options. We simply accept and buy.

The truth is that Microsoft could have designed Windows 11 to run on any hardware it wanted, even on a fifteen-year-old computer. When you create software, you can make it do virtually whatever you want and run on virtually any computing platform you want. To say that your software “can’t” run on a fifteen-year-old computer is to say that you are incapable of making it do that–which is not true. The truth is that you just don’t want to make it to do that.

From Beating Big Tech at the Real Computer Game by Cheapskate’s Guide

May 23, 2023

Originally posted by Neal Agarwal also in:

Working on a password game with increasingly unhinged rules.

what are some rules I should add?


May 22, 2023

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

I am so grateful wikipedia still exists, it’s nothing short of a miracle in today’s internet

May 21, 2023

What is “accessibility”? For some, it’s about ensuring that your sites and apps don’t block people with disabilities from completing tasks. That’s the main part of it, but in my opinion it’s not all of the story. Accessibility, to me, means taking care to develop digital services that are inclusive as possible. That means inclusive of people with disabilities, of people outside Euro-centric cultures, and people who don’t have expensive, top-the-range hardware and always-on cheap fast networks.

In his closely argued post The Performance Inequality Gap, 2023, Alex Russell notes that “When digital is society’s default, slow is exclusionary”, and continues

From Bad performance is bad accessibility by Bruce Lawson

May 20, 2023

It turns out that Large Language Models are pretty decent planners. As Auto-GPT (GitHub) shows, you can give an LLM a goal, and have it auto-expand that goal into a sequence of steps. And that, given some basic plug-ins, start executing those steps with external tools.

But (having been one) 14 year old boys are idiots, and perfectly capable of typing “let’s do this idiot nation-destroying thing” and leaving the AI running overnight - and you can’t monitor them all. The main hurdle for 14 year old boys doing idiotic things is simply lack of opportunity and not knowing where to start. AI “fixes” that.

From The 14 year old boy alignment problem, future shock, and AI microscopes by Matt Webb

May 18, 2023

In general, if your design relies on having a client protect a secret from a local attacker, you’re doomed. As eloquently outlined in the story “Cookies” in 1971’s Frog and Toad Together, anything the client does to try to protect a secret can also be undone by the client:

“Trying” isn’t entirely madness — believing that every would-be attacker is “sufficiently motivated” is as big a mistake as believing that your protection scheme is truly invulnerable. If you can raise the difficulty level enough at a reasonable cost (complexity, performance, etc), it may be entirely rational to do so.

From (The Futility of) Keeping Secrets from Yourself by Eric Lawrence

May 15, 2023

Web performance is an unalloyed good. No one has ever complained that a website is too fast.

So the benefit is pretty obvious. Users like fast websites. But there are other benefits to web performance. And they don’t all get equal airtime.

With every file you add to a website’s dependencies, you’re adding one more barrier. Eventually the barrier is insurmountable for people with older devices or slower internet connections. If they can no longer access your website, your website is quite literally inaccessible

From The intersectionality of web performance by Jeremy Keith

May 15, 2023

Ah, but when it comes to front-end development, assumptions are like little hidden bombs just waiting to go off!

I’m very grateful that they brought the issue to my attention. If they hadn’t, that assumption would still be lying in wait, preparing to ambush someone else.

From Assumption by Jeremy Keith

May 15, 2023

No. Progressive enhancement means making sure your core functionality works without JavaScript.

Without JavaScript I should still be able to read my email in Gmail, even if you don’t let me compose, reply, or organise my messages.

Without JavaScript I should still be able to view a document in Google Docs, even if you don’t let me comment or edit the document.

Even with something as interactive as Figma or Photoshop, I think I should still be able to view a design file without JavaScript.

From Read-only web apps by Jeremy Keith

May 14, 2023

A person being able to modify an experience so it suits their specific needs is one of the web platform’s greatest strengths. You shouldn’t attempt to block, subvert, or otherwise undermine someone’s ability to do so.

Test actual support with different operating systems and modes other than the ones you use on a daily basis. Remember that the way you use technology is not the default, and that the majority experience is a contradiction in terms.

You don’t get to pick who visits your website or web app, what their circumstances are, or how they choose to interact with your content. Choosing not to mess with the browser’s scrollbar is a simple, yet powerful thing you can do to help ensure people can get what they need.

From Don’t use custom CSS scrollbars by Eric Bailey

May 14, 2023

I just don’t buy a lot of stuff. I’m not interested in lifestyle products and tastemaker brands. When I do buy something, it’s usually something I need - as in, not frivolous luxury spending (though I’m certainly not immune to this behavior). I typically won’t replace something unless it’s broken beyond repair.

I fear the day my TV gives up, because you can’t seem to buy one without the smart anymore.

There are so many touchscreens in my life now that I’m starting to get dull aches in my fingertips. Gone is the satisfying tactile response of mechanical buttons and knobs. My induction stovetop requires incessant thumb mashing just to raise the temperature a few notches. If a small amount of water falls on it, it starts beeping. This is in absolutely no way an improvement over my old mechanical one with ceramic hotplates.

In fact, for every improvement in speed, energy consumption, image resolution or audio fidelity, there seems to be a tradeoff in increased frustration: input lag, incessant bickering about connecting to WiFi, and ever more contrived software mechanisms designed to make me watch ads. I’m old enough to remember both software without built-in marketing schemes and TV:s that turned on instantly and switched channels in the blink of an eye. Streaming services may give better image quality than an old VHS player, but the VHS had zero boot time and never required you to enter a password using a flimsy remote.

Nobody wants it, because nobody buys it, because one day, all of a sudden, it just wasn’t for sale anymore.

Curiously, there’s still a booming market for these products, because several specialty online stores do sell them. The difference is that instead of just grabbing these items when also getting a carton of milk, I now have to keep track of my consumption rate, plan and place online orders on sites of dubious usability, and deal with the erratic behavior of delivery companies. Small inconveniences, sure, but ones that add up to quite a long list of similar small inconveniences.

From overly enthusiastic store clerks to contrived online tracking, marketing blatantly disrespects my privacy and pollutes my brain. It’s not just that it tries to make me buy things I don’t need, it’s that it makes my quality of life noticeably worse in the process. I like peace and quiet. I like thinking, eating, relaxing, reading, socializing - existing - without constant interruption

On the rare occasions I do catch a glimpse of a TV commercial, it’s by mistake. Usually it’s when someone not running an adblocker wants to show me something on their computer, or when I visit someone who watches broadcast TV. Every time it happens, I’m surprised by how many ads there are and how brazen, repetitive and disgusting they come off.

From A Life Less Ads by Carl Svensson

May 13, 2023

In a world awash with software whose shelf life approximates that of my grocery store milk, I love that there is no semver to worry about on the web — HTML5, CSS3, ES6, these are not major breaking changes.

However, as Chris points out, all of those features are a accretion to the language. “Don’t break the web” means we don’t have to worry about reading CSS release notes like, “🚹 Breaking changes: float has been replaced by flex. You must upgrade to newest version.”

But how long can we reasonably go without removing the old? How viable is this approach over time? 100 years from now, will people still be able to write float in their CSS?

I don’t know how the web will evolve over time to deal with what — I assume? — will inevitably become a problem of incomprehensible complexity resulting from decades of language accretion (like stalagmites in a cave).

From Gratitude For a Web That Tries Not to Break by Jim Nielsen

May 13, 2023

Google is a portal to the web. Google is an amazing tool for finding relevant websites to go to. That was useful when it was made, and it’s nothing but grown in usefulness. Google should be encouraging and fighting for the open web. But now they’re like, actually we’re just going to suck up your website, put it in a blender with all other websites, and spit out word smoothies for people instead of sending them to your website. Instead.

And while doing that, they aren’t:

  • Telling authors their content is being used to train
  • Telling users where the output came from
  • Offering any meter of how reliable or confidently correct the output is

So, I’m critical. It’s irresponsible.

From “the secret list of websites” by Chris Coyier

May 13, 2023

In “Magic Mirror: The Novel as a Software Development Platform”, Mark Pesce eloquently argues that the developments we see in modern technology are predicted (if not determined) by science-fiction stories (Pesce, 1999). As a note of caution, Pesce’s chosen examples all display the traits of survivorship bias. That is, there are an infinite number of “inventions” in sci-fi which have not come to pass. Given the long history of the genre, it is not surprising that some of its predictions have become reality. Nevertheless, it is important to remember the “anchoring” effect that mass media has on users’ perceptions of what is possible with technology.

Technology companies frequently misappropriate terms from science fiction in order to make their products sound innovative and exciting (Newitz, 2021). The original Metaverse envisioned by Stephenson was a dystopian nightmare. It serves as an allegory for how the worst excesses of humanity can corrupt an environment. Similarly, the novel “Ready Player One” presents a world where VR has reduced the majority of humanity to serfdom (Rafif and Munjid, 2022). Given this, the author finds it inexplicable that Facebook chose to rebrand their company around the notion of the Metaverse. It is akin to a military power rebranding to be closer associated with The Empire from Star Wars, or a conglomerate explicitly citing the “Weyland-Yutani Corporation” from Alien as their inspiration.

Future-gazing sometimes means imagining the worst-case scenarios which may be exploited by future adversaries. There is an inherent tension in this line of research. If the futurist publishes their research, a malicious user may take inspiration from their research. But if the futurist does not publish, people may not be able to defend themselves against novel attacks.

From Rejected Sci-Fi Ramblings from my MSc by Terence Eden

May 13, 2023

I’ve been reading various entrepreneur books and blog posts. One thing they all emphasise is that success often comes from finding a problem that you yourself would pay money to solve.

And that’s a problem for me. I don’t tend to want to spend money solving problems.

I’m not claiming to be a hermit, but I find it weird just how little cash I’m willing to part with to improve my life. So I’m stuck trying to work out what services I would pay a small business for.

When it comes to software, I’d rather write my own or fiddle with open source. I’m aware this means I value my time poorly.

From How can I have a side hustle when I don’t want to pay for anything? by Terence Eden

May 13, 2023

In its README, it said that if I wanted to opt-out of having this particular tool scrape my images, I had to add some non-standard headers to my site. There was no way to opt-in to the bot.

It seems that every few years we have to have the same argument. Someone releases a tool on the Internet and claims that, if you don’t want to participate, you must explicitly opt-out.

It isn’t hard to see why that’s an obnoxious idea. Thousands of tools are released every day. Am I expected to play whack-a-mole and shut down every new one that appears? That is a perverse way to expect people to behave. These bots cost people time and money without offering any tangible benefit.

By analogy, I can’t suddenly declare that everyone online has to pay me ÂŁ5 - oh, you don’t want to? Sorry, you should have opted-out last month. That’ll be a fiver, please.

Me asking for a tool to respect the consent of users is, apparently, an ethical crime against people who might benefit from whatever the tool could create in the future. That’s some “For The Greater Good” shit!

Different cultures have different ethics and one of the problems with the Internet is that we occasionally butt up against different norms of behaviour. But I think, in all cultures, you can’t just start grabbing a person’s stuff and then say “but you didn’t explicitly say that I couldn’t! Besides, it’s for your own good!!”

From Silence Isn’t Consent by Terence Eden