
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

December 21, 2022

Originally posted by Rob DenBleyker also in:

OK let’s try this again, ordering a nothing burger from McDonalds. this time nothing else in the order.

will they cancel it? deliver an empty bag? i am doing this so you don’t have to


December 19, 2022

Originally posted by Emanuel Respighi also in:

Esta imagen nos representa, nuestros potreros y nuestra cultura.

Argentina acaba de salir campeón del mundo. Los hijos y hermanos de los jugadores entran a la cancha y se ponen a jugar al fútbol. ¿Con una pelota? No, con una BOTELLITA DE PLÁSTICO.

Argentina, no lo entenderías.


December 15, 2022

Originally posted by Ricky also in:

When tech companies do well it’s because they’re smart and when they don’t it’s because mAcRoEcOnOmiCs

December 2, 2022

Originally posted by Rutger Roffel  also in:

Google Maps changed its URL from “https://maps [dot] google [dot] com” to “https://google [dot] com/maps”. Looks like it’s not a big deal, but when you grant the location permission in your browser you now grant it to the whole #google [dot] com domain. 🤨

#privacy #googlemaps


November 18, 2022

Originally posted by Griffin Gulledge also in:

No one is more prepared to lose their entire online social media identity than millennials who have lost their AIM, MySpace, Google Reader, Google+ and remember the early years of Facebook. We will only return more powerful, more annoying than before.

November 18, 2022

Originally posted by Alex Parker also in:

Sergey Brin revives Google Plus team from cryogenic chamber.

“It’s time.”

November 11, 2022

Originally posted by nader (🧱, 🚀) | nader.lens also in:

A silver lining to the craziness in the past weeks is that you should realize that you are as capable, or more capable, than the heroes and leaders of the industries we are a part of.

November 9, 2022

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

a good website is when “john” from support pops up in the corner with a big smile asking how your shopping experience is going, and then when your cursor is about to leave the window a fullscreen message appears with a special offer begging you to stay

November 5, 2022

Originally posted by Fascinating also in:

Birds are fed by their parents in their infancy. When the time comes to feed themselves, there can be some confusion when the food does not go into their mouth by itself.


November 2, 2022

Originally posted by zack also in:

I got fed up writing FFmpeg commands. Its unintuitive, and can get ugly and complicated quickly

A couple of months ago, I built this GUI to help me write complex ffmpeg filtergraphs that we have been using internally and decided to launch today.


November 2, 2022

Originally posted by Emma Bostian also in:

Me working on side projects:

Works for 15 minutes

“I deserve a break”

Takes a 45 minute break

November 2, 2022

Originally posted by Tom Gara also in:

It’s pretty simple: Google Meet (original) was previously Meet, which was the rebranded Hangouts Meet. Meet has been merged with Google Duo, which replaced Google Hangouts. Google Duo has been renamed Meet, and Meet has been temporarily named Google Meet (original), for clarity

October 23, 2022

Originally posted by Cassidy also in:

I got a box of rainbow Nerds and noticed as I was eating that there wasn’t a lot of pink, so I started sorting them, and I’m not even done yet, and this is an outrage, the ratio is terrible


October 21, 2022

Originally posted by adafruit industries also in:

PARENTS: please carefully inspect your kids’ Halloween candy! We found Doom running inside this Milky Way bar.

Candy of Doom - Do not eat if it’s turing complete

#adafruit #halloween #candy #doom


October 20, 2022

Originally posted by Kim Johannesen in reply of this post also in:

Secondly, as someone who has been writing HTML/CSS/JS for more than 20 years, it’s obvious to me what has been proven over and over again: bet on the core foundations of the web, and don’t try to one-up them. Extend them (think PostCSS etc.) and get the most out of them, but ..

October 8, 2022

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

I think designers underestimate just how good, usable, inclusive, & sometimes even refreshingly delightful “boring” design is.

  • Visible labels & instructions.
  • Link underlines!
  • Good text contrast.
  • Lists!
  • Links! (to separate pages vs. modal dialogs)

Usable > aesthetic.

October 6, 2022

Originally posted by TetraLogical also in:

“The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” @timberners_lee


September 30, 2022

Originally posted by koush in reply of this post also in:

Listen, if Google releases a product that isn’t branded Search, Ads, or Gmail, there’s a 95% chance it’s gone within 3 years.

September 27, 2022

Originally posted by Louis Hoebregts also in:

Sometimes when I’m bored I open a new @CodePen and start with a single element in the page.

This time I started with an input range and I made a slingshot from it to burst a bunch of inputs with @greensock ✨🎆 Completely pointless but it kept me busy 💁‍♂️


September 18, 2022

Originally posted by Dan Hollick 🇿🇦 also in:

Ever wondered how a QR code works?
No, me neither but it’s low-key fascinating.

(Warning, there is some extremely nerdy shit here.👇 )


September 16, 2022

Originally posted by Lea Verou also in:

That feeling after a deadline you worked your a$$ off for “Now what? What do I do with myself now?”

September 16, 2022

Originally posted by Chris Heilmann also in:

VPNs, Proxies and Malware scanners offering you an “always free” version are like the Mafia neighbourhood thug offering you to “protect” your shop.

September 13, 2022

Originally posted by Šime (ˈshe-meh) also in:

If you’re wondering which new HTML elements are needed, you can find out for yourself. Install the NoScript browser extension to start browsing the web with JavaScript disabled by default, and then observe which things break.

For example, this should not require JavaScript:


September 12, 2022

Originally posted by Massimo also in:

NASA only uses 15 digits of π for calculating interplanetary travel. At 40 digits, you could calculate the circumference of a circle the size of the visible universe with an accuracy that’d fall off by less than the diameter of a single hydrogen atom


September 3, 2022

Originally posted by Ian Bogost also in:

I can’t believe we spent 20 years making desktop software work well then just decided, “no choice but to make it all shitty forever in a web browser, oh well.”

September 2, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@FullTimeLustful Menos de un minutos duro esto de verdad

August 31, 2022

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

sslkfdhfg I cannot deal with video players without a progress bar, tiktok’s influence is absolutely cancerous

August 24, 2022

Originally posted by Zach Leatherman also in:

my toxic trait is that I 100% believe that a bundler is not a baseline requirement when building a professional web site

happy monday, everyone

August 15, 2022

Originally posted by Emma Bostian also in:

Not gonna lie I kind miss the olden days where I’d code up a sick index.html file and drag it into the root folder with Cyberduck/FileZilla.

August 14, 2022

Originally posted by Firr @ defcon also in:

One year I went to Defcon and left an old laptop out with “Do your worst” written on it.

I cam back to it a few hours later and it hadn’t even been touched.

…Till I booted it up the next day and glitter spewed out of the fans on the back.

August 14, 2022

Originally posted by Windows Dev Docs also in:

Here’s our first video from our new series with Raymond Chen, @ChenCravat.

We asked him to tell us about the mystery wherein some music would crash a laptop!!??


August 12, 2022

Originally posted by Jon Woods also in:

First glance at Parallaxian’s level 2, showing lots of non-standard colours on the C64 + the new vert parallax effect, expanded to 16 px of up + down travel in the foreground (the other layers follow suit in a 8:4:2:1 ratio).

#C64 #GameDev #RetroGaming #RetroComputing #IndieDev


August 6, 2022

Originally posted by Carlos Ribeiro in reply of this post also in:

@simonw @mwseibel A big part of the problem is that social networks, with a big helping hand from Google itself, killed the Web. The closing of Google Reader was a signal of what was to come. There’s no way today to do something like PageRank, because nobody links to or curates content anymore.

July 26, 2022

Originally posted by Cassidy also in:

I’m feeling very philosophical with all the social media changes lately. I feel like videos take up so much of our time and focus, and with all of the apps prioritizing them so much, I feel less and less interested in watching/participating to… “own my focus” more, in a way.

July 12, 2022

Originally posted by Maximiliano Firtman also in:

Esta foto la saqué hace 9 años.

En ese entonces había 5 sistemas operativos todavía “con futuro” luego de que ya varios estaban muriendo o habían muerto ya.

En pantalla y en orden: iOS, BlackBerry 10, FirefoxOS, Windows Phone y Android.


July 10, 2022

Originally posted by ꜰᴀᴄᴜ also in:

Las cajas de las placas de video que existen hoy en día son todas✨aesthetic and minimalistic✨ Pero allá por finales de los 90, pre 2005, existían estas maravillas re curseadas.

El Marcianito 1


July 7, 2022

Originally posted by Jhey 🔨🐻✨ also in:

HTML/CSS Tips for <img> 🤳

– Use “onerror” to catch and set a fallback “src” ✨ – Set a “subtle” background-color so users know something is coming 💀 – Use CSS aspect-ratio to avoid layout shifts 🖼️

  • Remember your “alt” attribute where necessary 🙏


June 29, 2022

Originally posted by Edward Snowden also in:

The fact that is considered legal for a corporation to compile perfect records of your private life simply because you had to “click OK to continue” to make your phone work is a perfect expression of who holds the power in society and why they should be cast into the sea.

June 25, 2022

Originally posted by Deirdre Connolly¹ also in:

Privacy must be the default because you never know if what you’ve been talking about may suddenly become evidence

June 19, 2022

Originally posted by Ben Schwarz also in:

Played with dalle for a while, this is maybe my favourite so far:

Cat with round sunglasses and beret as a stained glass window


June 19, 2022

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

My #RSS reader is the only content consumption app that pays dividends in return.

  • no Doomscrolling
  • no arguing with people
  • no ads
  • no distractions

Only healthy, delicious brain food. 🖤
