
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

February 12, 2022

Originally posted by Akshath Killa also in:

I was bored last night so I basically made a fully playable excel version of Wordle


February 5, 2022

Originally posted by Sindre Sorhus also in:

I love the web, but so many web-based desktop apps are such shitty desktop apps. I’m not even blaming Electron. These teams would probably have made bad native apps too. It’s just that it’s easier to make bad apps with web tech as you get less things for free.

February 5, 2022

Originally posted by Freyja 🐱 also in:

Uploading my brain into a computer to live forever and getting a copyright takedown on every single memory of a show or movie I ever watched

January 26, 2022

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

“The best growth hack is still to build something people enjoy while attaching no strings to it. You’d be surprised how far it can get you.

Make free stuff! The web is still for everyone.“⁩ — I share ⁦⁦@mxbck⁩’s entire sentiment in this post.

January 26, 2022

Originally posted by Ben S also in:

Built a sarcasm converter for your keyboard. Plug in a regular keyboard in, flip the switch and let the world know how you really feel about things


January 25, 2022

Originally posted by Tibees also in:

Today I released a video that I have poured my heart and soul into over the last year. It’s called Finding X and it is an animated short film about X’s search for meaning in a world full of numbers 🚀 Here’s the trailer…


January 24, 2022

Originally posted by Fred Schultz also in:

His parents had a stuffed toy made from one of his drawings, so cool. 😃🔥❤️🖌


January 17, 2022

Originally posted by Willman also in:

Why didn’t the Atreides simply buy an NFT of the spice to secure control of it

January 5, 2022

Originally posted by Freya Holmér in reply of this post also in:

I see a lot of people using a technology for the sake of using that technology, rather than actually considering what would be good design and tech, for the experience you want to create

December 24, 2021

Originally posted by Rowan Merewood also in:

Reviving a little seasonal toy… 👆 Tap screen ❄ Let it snow! 🌨 Use multiple fingers for blizzard mode 🔄 Tilt the screen as the snow melts 🌬 Watch out for gusts of wind


December 23, 2021

Originally posted by Chrome Developers also in:

🎥 Why is ‘archibald’ more red than ‘surma’? What image format can be many formats? Is <image> in HTML? Why do some APIs return “array-like” things? document.all, document.domain…

@jaffathecake and @DasSurma dive into ancient, but alive, DOM ‘features’

December 20, 2021

Originally posted by Scott Hanselman also in:

I just wanted headphones. Didn’t need 50-11 processes in the background to listen to something. Seriously. Why architect it like this? No good reason.


December 16, 2021

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

That tiny dopamine rush I get every time I find a new blog I like, input the URL into Reeder and an RSS feed does show up for me to subscribe to. Hitting that subscribe button is a little exhilarating. 😌

Don’t judge me.

December 15, 2021

Originally posted by Karl also in:

Hey y’all! I compiled my best and favorite reloads! No robot voice and now widescreen format! Enjoy!! :)


December 14, 2021

Originally posted by Chris Heilmann also in:

👉🏼 “Web browsers are ubiquitous, but how do they work? This book explains, building a basic but complete web browser, from networking to JavaScript, in a thousand lines of Python.”


December 11, 2021

Originally posted by Patrick McKenzie also in:

In honor of someone’s bad bug today, I will retell a story of my worst bug:

Once upon a time I was the CEO and entire engineering team of a company which sent appointment reminders.

Each reminder was sent by a cron job draining a queue. That queue was filled by another cron job

December 9, 2021

Originally posted by Alex McMillan in reply of this post also in:

Level Ω: The scent represents a property detached from any object, the absence of an object is in fact part of the scent. Total abstraction.


November 25, 2021

Originally posted by Marek Sotak also in:

Deployed. Better trajectory, smoother transitions of animations, fixed the timing. Little details that make the user experience feel much better.

Towards the goal of maintaining the title “cutest time and habit tracker”. 🏆😍


November 19, 2021

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

tangential speed is how fast a point is moving, when rotated around another point 🌪

s = ωr

s - tangential speed (m/s) ω - angular speed (rad/s) r - radius (m)

you might see how speed is linearly proportional to the radius in how the points form a perfect line after detaching~


November 19, 2021

Originally posted by Craig Abbott also in:

It’s estimated only 1% of people disable Javascript on purpose. But there are many reasons why JS might not load. Servers responding slowly. Content Delivery Networks going down. Dodgy signal on a mobile phone. Progressive Enhancement is the insurance policy every website needs!

November 5, 2021

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

<sarcasm> “Don’t even bother using HTML and CSS. Use JavaScript.”

“If you’re trying to make experiences worse for your users, there will be someone in the community to help you with that. That’s just beautiful.” </sarcasm>

From @mmatuzo’s (sarcastic) talk at #AAA21 😂

November 1, 2021

Originally posted by Anna E. Cook also in:

Yesterday I shared that Ketchup is the best design tool, some of you asked for a demo and here it is!


November 1, 2021

Originally posted by Cabel also in:

Watching these signs slowly evolve at my grocery store — some employee is learning UI design in real time




October 31, 2021

Originally posted by OwlKitty also in:

It’s feeding time! Welcome to Purrassic Park #OwlKitty #JurassicPark #halloween2021


October 30, 2021

Originally posted by amber also in:

all dog costumes should have fake arms so the front paws are the feet. i realize this now.


October 26, 2021

Originally posted by Lea Verou also in:

I’ve used @airbnb and @airbnbhelp as a guest quite a few times and was generally happy.

I do some light hosting on the side, and got to see the other side of it. Today I discovered that Airbnb actively SCAMS HOSTS by pocketing money off refunds.

Don’t believe me? Read on 👇🏼