
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

July 1, 2021

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan in reply of this post also in:

It helps to remember: everything is a remix. We’ve all learned from those that came before, and are still learning from each other today and every day as we create fresh “new” content. We learn, react, create, share, and repeat.

June 28, 2021

Originally posted by Andrew Brookins also in:

My 2-year-old daughter’s favorite stuffed animal, “Meow-Meow,” is a critical service in my house, so I run a highly available three-node Meow-Meow cluster.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Three observer processes monitor the current Meow-Meow leader (wife, oldest daughter, and me)


June 23, 2021

Originally posted by Clinton Jones also in:

6 intense weeks of work, 2 all-nighters, and an incredible community of artists to get to this point. I’m proud to present the Top 100 Render Montage for the #alternaterealitieschallenge!

Original Soundtrack by my best bud @Feverkin

June 22, 2021

Originally posted by Sonali Ranjit also in:

A little side project from @thebadagas and me: Open a new window somewhere in the world. Hope this place on the internet helps reduce your lockdown blues in some small way, too. (Works best on desktop)


June 22, 2021

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

when wolfram alpha gives up because your input is too complex, consider also giving up

June 21, 2021

Originally posted by Chris Heilmann also in:

Google Photos automatically stitching together photos to become panoramas can have excellent results. Here is the cool dog chasing his ball in the water we met this weekend in three states on one photo.


June 18, 2021

Originally posted by Shit User Story also in:

As an… – excel user I want to… – have fractions automatically converted to dates so that… – I can spend 01-Oct of my day manually changing them back


June 14, 2021

Originally posted by Scott Hanselman also in:

My TV just said the the End User Terms changed and I needed to agree to them. I WANT NO LEGAL RELATIONSHIP WITH MY TV.

June 11, 2021

Originally posted by Gerry McGovern in reply of this post also in:

“It’s important to highlight just how much a megabyte is, how much potential it has. The fact that webpages are three megabytes is huge because most webpages are not doing that much. For typical webpage, there’s no good reason why it shouldn’t be under a megabyte." @eatwholegrain

June 8, 2021

Originally posted by foone also in:

It is 2018 and this error message is a mistake from 1974. This limitation, which is still found in the very latest Windows 10, dates back to BEFORE STAR WARS. This bug is as old as Watergate.


June 8, 2021

Originally posted by Sanchez Marcos also in:

¡Hola! Les presento a Binancio 👋

Un bot que se dedica a analizar el mercado #P2P de @binance para sugerirnos el precio ideal de intercambio entre criptomonedas y dinero de manera simple y rápida 💸

Si te interesa conocer más, follow the white rabbit… 🐇


May 29, 2021

Originally posted by Axel Rauschmayer also in:

[■,■,■,■].map(■→●) ⇒ [●,●,●,●] [■,●,■,▲].filter(■→true) ⇒ [■,■] [■,●,■,▲].find(●→true) ⇒ ● [■,●,■,▲].findIndex(●→true) ⇒ 1 [■,●,■,▲].fill(●) ⇒ [●,●,●,●] [■,●,■,▲].some(●→true) ⇒ true [■,●,■,▲].every(●→true) ⇒ false

May 27, 2021

Originally posted by Aldrin in reply of this post also in:

@cassidoo “memoize, which is like memorize but in a baby voice”

literally will stick with me for life.

May 27, 2021

Originally posted by Cosmo Sheldrake also in:

I’m very happy to announce the release of my new album, Wake Up Calls, composed entirely out of endangered British bird song! I hope that it will help us to become more aware of the glorious polyphonic sound worlds that surround us.


May 26, 2021

Originally posted by Robert G. Reeve also in:

I’m back from a week at my mom’s house and now I’m getting ads for her toothpaste brand, the brand I’ve been putting in my mouth for a week. We never talked about this brand or googled it or anything like that.

As a privacy tech worker, let me explain why this is happening. 🧵

May 23, 2021

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

“This blog post is dedicated to why you should have your own (independent) blog.”

Why you should have a blog (and write in it)

— If you don’t have your own blog yet, read this post. There’s a big chance it will make you want to create one (& write in it)

May 20, 2021

Originally posted by Katie also in:

The real reason they discourage MRIs during pregnancy is because then people would realise they’re incubating nightmare demons and would be rightfully terrified





May 17, 2021

Originally posted by ari also in:

movie details: the lighthouse (2019) had to be shot in black and white because robert pattinson looked like mario in color


April 29, 2021

Originally posted by Izzy Burton also in:

I’m still determined to use twitter as a happy place and not prescribe to any of the negativity 😜 SO post below in the thread the piece of artwork that you’re most proud of or that was your favourite to draw!

This is mine at the moment, but it changes daily ahaha.


April 28, 2021

Originally posted by Surma also in:

I see the hype pendulum is swinging from fat clients to thin clients again…

Everybody has constant, stable and high-speed internet access, right?

April 27, 2021

Originally posted by Gareth Wild also in:

For the last six years I’ve kept a spreadsheet listing every parking spot I’ve used at the local supermarket in a bid to park in them all. This week I completed my Magnum Opus! A thread.

April 23, 2021

Originally posted by Scott Hanselman in reply of this post also in:

Current status - running Windows 3.1 via JavaScript inside of Chrome on Linux via WSLg on Windows 10. THIS IS HOW I DEVELOP SOFTWARE NOW


April 22, 2021

Originally posted by Lex Sugden 🌺 also in:

At last! Every frame hand embroidered to bring you the joy of this non binary office bat, just dancing to the beat of their own drum <3


April 14, 2021

Originally posted by Gwen C. Katz also in:

Colorization APIs are becoming widespread; AI-colorized historical photos are circulated without caveat. But is AI colorization providing an accurate image of the past? To find out, I digitally desaturated these color photos by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky, taken between 1909 and 1915.





April 11, 2021

Originally posted by Jonty Wareing also in:

Out of curiosity I dug into how NFT’s actually reference the media you’re “buying” and my eyebrows are now orbiting the moon

April 8, 2021

Originally posted by Ayodele (eye-ya-deli) also in:

゚   ・ ゚ ・。
・。 .。 。・ °. ゚ “ML is just assuming past decisions were right and replicating them without question.” ゚. 。。 ・ 。 ・゚ 。°*. 。*・。


April 3, 2021

Originally posted by Martin Kleppe also in:

I’m fascinated by this simple formula to create bit fields that look like alien art:

(x ^ y) % 9


March 31, 2021

Originally posted by jackie luo also in:

ted chiang on how most fears about technology are really fears about capitalism





March 31, 2021

Originally posted by bean also in:

I know this is a minority position but I love the goofy intro sentences students write. Since the dawn of time, humans have wondered about the mind. fuckin tell me about it man

March 25, 2021

Originally posted by John Lindquist also in:

I swear I’m going to start a 24/7 twitch stream where 2 AIs discuss whatever the chat wants 😂😂😂


March 23, 2021

Originally posted by Una Kravets 👩🏻‍💻 also in:

Remember when you used to be able to read news on news websites?

And ads were size-limited jpg or gif images, not full-screen-locked animated takeovers that obscure the close button?

I’m worried about what’s next 😶

March 23, 2021

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

“Give me a URL—either by SMS or QR code or written down—and make sure that when I arrive at that URL, the barrier to entry is as low as possible.” – @adactio on the beauty & importance of simple, functional Web sites and forms.

March 21, 2021

Originally posted by Suz Hinton also in:

going to come out of this pandemic without the even foggiest idea of who I am anymore

March 17, 2021

Originally posted by up2 sinclair also in:

Interesting how I have about a dozen good friends that call themselves “journalists” but zero friends that will commit to wearing this hat morning day and night


March 15, 2021

Originally posted by Camila Lenis also in:

Don’t spend 6 minutes doing something by hand when you can spend 6 hours failing to automate it.

March 15, 2021

in reply of this post also in:

@mgechev @ChromeDevTools In firefox “copy(obj)” stringifies it for you, and i almost sure chrome devtools does it too