
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

March 6, 2021

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

“Having only the content I want to see only be shown when I want to see it with the freedom to jump between readers as I please, all with no ads? For me, no other service comes close to the flexibility, robustness, and overall ease-of-use that RSS offers.”

March 4, 2021

Originally posted by ✨ Luna 🌙 also in:

The hardest problem in tech is convincing tech people that tech isn’t the solution to every societal problem.

February 27, 2021

Originally posted by Heydon also in:

Worry less about people disabling JavaScript for websites.

Worry more about JavaScript disabling websites for people.

February 26, 2021

Originally posted by Chris Coyier also in:

Sometimes I feel like you could pitch re-branded RSS as a hot new startup.

✨ It’s a site ✨ where you read other sites/newsletters ✨ with zero bullshit ✨

February 26, 2021

Originally posted by Mckay Wrigley also in:

See this video of Tom Cruise?

Well, it’s not Tom Cruise.

It’s AI generated synthetic media that portrays Tom Cruise onto a TikTok user using Deepfakes.

Seeing is no longer believing.


February 23, 2021

Originally posted by David Pogue also in:

This is the COOLEST. A Google Earth-type representation of the planet. Every green dot is a radio station. Click any dot to listen in. It’s like cultural teleportation. You could spend hours with this thing…


February 20, 2021

Originally posted by Charlotte Clymer 🏳️‍🌈 also in:

Metallica not being able to play their own music live because of DMCA that came about in large part due to Metallica’s advocacy of it is a hell of a full circle.

February 17, 2021

Originally posted by Jake Archibald also in:

It is orders of magnitude harder to add a static/server render to a client-side JS site than to add client-side JS to a static/server render.

February 17, 2021

Originally posted by Andrea Hernández 🥬 also in:

OMFG! 🙌🏽💕🔥 this website recreates an entire bar atmosphere, you can tailor loudness of:

—bartender working —people talking + full room —rain on window +serving drinks —street + night ambience


February 16, 2021

Originally posted by Kat Maddox also in:

are facebook evil? well, they’ve been instrumental in the rise of fascism across the world and they profit off right-wing violence, but also they made graphql, so who’s to say

February 12, 2021

Originally posted by Tom Morris 🏳️‍🌈 also in:

If any person behaved like an app—rifled through your address book, fitted a tracking device to your car, obsessively logged what books and TV shows you watched, and wanted to disturb you at any moment of the day or night—you’d throw them out of your house and call the police.

February 9, 2021

Originally posted by Mikael Thalen also in:

A lawyer using Zoom had to let a judge know that he wasn’t a cat after inadvertently activating a face filter


February 8, 2021

Originally posted by ReductRs also in:

I’m Sorry I’m Being Difficult Again by Asking You to Write Code That Doesn’t Kill Me Or Track Me

February 8, 2021

Originally posted by Mike Aparicio also in:

🚨 Announcing my new side-project,! It’s just pictures of dogs of people who make websites. If you make websites and you have a dog, I’d love to add them to the site!

February 3, 2021

Originally posted by WeRateDogs® also in:

This is Gen, the happiest corgi in the world. He’s been blessing us with his facial expressions for years, and it’s about time we honor his magnificence. 14/10 (IG: genthecorgi)





February 2, 2021

Originally posted by Freya Holmér also in:

I never tick “always open using this app” and yet I always open using that app

February 2, 2021

Originally posted by Liam Lambimini also in:

tomorrow marks the start of a perfectly rectangular February, something that we only get on the calendar once every 200 years!!


January 31, 2021

Originally posted by I Am Devloper also in:

I like to remind Alexa daily that she’s a glorified egg timer so she doesn’t realise she could Skynet me at any moment

January 28, 2021

Originally posted by Parker also in:

Today I learned that aggressive baby goats have to wear horn noodles to avoid hurting each other


January 26, 2021

Originally posted by towler also in:

i put eyes on the cat’s bed and could not be happier with the result


January 25, 2021

Originally posted by ./ also in:

El comer guiso de lentejas es acaso el argumento más aplastante que se puede esgrimir a la hora de humillar a quienes bancan el verano. No hay nada como el guiso de lentejas.

January 25, 2021

Originally posted by Desus Nice also in:

my favorite part of the pandemic is attempting to do things “before it gets dark” like characters in oregon trail

January 22, 2021

Originally posted by パパセンセイ@Excelを眺める人 also in:




#Excel #NoVBA #テトリス #Tetris


January 17, 2021

Originally posted by Kenney also in:

I’ve been creating a tool but now contemplating of even releasing due to limitations. You draw a 2D sprite, set the depth of each ‘pixel’ and presto a 3D model! Since you’re working on 1 axis you can probably guess the limitations. Would love to hear your ideas? #gamedev


January 16, 2021

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

I despise slow Web sites! And I’ve been coming across too many of them lately! Too many!

Optimize your images! Optimize your assets! Use less JavaScript when you don’t need more! Build more responsibly!

I have to stop with the exclamation marks!



January 9, 2021

Originally posted by Tom Kingsley also in:

I’ve made a special Lockdown Cinema for my laptop to replicate the big screen experience


January 6, 2021

Originally posted by Chad Loder in reply of this post also in:

Proud Boy tries to rip up a rainbow sign, but fails due to a powerful gay enchantment placed on the sign. (Seattle, 2018)


January 4, 2021

Originally posted by badidea 🪐 also in:

I’ve seen multiple reports of systems being taken down by y2k bugs that were “fixed” back in 1999 by remapping 1900-1920 to 2000-2020, and now it’s 1921

this is the very core, the pure essence, of What’s Wrong With Software Engineering

December 31, 2020

Originally posted by Suz Hinton also in:

finishing touches for my study are finally done 🌷 looking forward to working and learning in here next year!

still waiting on some cable management clips in the mail


December 30, 2020

Originally posted by Surma also in:

Don’t claim “SSGs are bad” when you mean “SSGs are bad for content that is not static”.

While we are on it: A hammer is bad for drilling holes.

December 23, 2020

Originally posted by Paul Lewis in reply of this post also in:

@jaffathecake @DKundel @chaos_monster @DasSurma @bendhalpern @forem My take has been (and still is) that you should send HTML wherever you can, and use JS to augment. It renders faster, and it’s resilient to JS failures.

It is a shame that as a community we’ve made it harder for people to do that by default.

December 23, 2020

Originally posted by Jake Archibald also in:

At some point server-side rendering will be repackaged as “just-in-time static site generation” and I’m actually kinda looking forward to it.

December 22, 2020

Originally posted by Noclip also in:

✈️ NEW DOC 👨‍✈️

We talk to @AsoboStudio and @Microsoft about the impossible goal of recreating the entire planet for @MSFSofficial.

  • And the effect of releasing a game about exploration & travel, while most of the world is grounded.



December 18, 2020

Originally posted by ringworm also in:

“pontifex” sounds like the name the pope made up for himself when he was 14 and just getting into online gaming