
This is a mirror of my tweets in an attempt to follow the indieweb movement.

June 15, 2022

Originally posted by Tom Warren also in:

Microsoft ended its Xbox Games Showcase Extended with the beginning of Stalker 2. It has been delayed to 2023 due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, where the Stalker 2 devs are located. Here’s how they’re living during the war ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›


June 8, 2022

Originally posted by josh ackerman also in:

i have thought about this hacker news comment nearly every day since november ninth twenty seventeen


June 2, 2022

Originally posted by Netlify also in:

The difference between building for the modern web on Netlify and struggling with other tech stacks is so stark that it feels like a completely different universe.

Watch how using Netlify will make you feel (starring our very own team!):

May 28, 2022

Originally posted by Devon Govett also in:

Yes, yes, yes! This article is incredible. Local databases are criminally underused in web apps. They have benefits for offline, performance, debugging, etc. and the idea of persisting not just data but all UI state is really interesting.

May 21, 2022

Originally posted by sam lau also in:

๐ŸŽ‰ pandas tutor v2 is here!

๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿป @pyodide runs @pandas_dev code in-browser for big speedups ๐Ÿ‘ joins (join() and merge()) ๐Ÿฆ reshaping (melt(), pivot_table()) ๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™‚๏ธ multi-indexes (stack(), unstack())

read about how we ported to @pyodide on the pyodide blog:


May 20, 2022

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

Let’s clear this up once & for all:

  • Progressive Enhancement is not anti-JavaScript.

  • Progressive Enhancement != no JavaScript. It means “as much JavaScript as necessary”.

  • JavaScript is imperative for creating many accessible custom UI patterns.

May 19, 2022

Originally posted by Lea Verou also in:

Did you know there are people that think of email as synchronous communication and think it’s โ€ฆinappropriate to send email at certain times? How strange.

How does that even work with timezones, are you supposed to not send email if you donโ€™t know the recipient’s timezone? ๐Ÿคฃ

May 18, 2022

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

Every once in a while a guy comes along, slaps a new name on technique(s) we’ve been using for years, and becomes known as “creator of [new technique name]”.

It seems to be a cycle that happens every few years.

May 16, 2022

Originally posted by Sara Soueidan also in:

I got an effective marketing/business tip for you:


When you provide RSS, people can get notified of your latest content, read it, and spread the word about it. Increase your reach == better for your business. ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Please provide RSS feeds for your personal blogs โœจ

May 14, 2022

Originally posted by Joseph Klem also in:

We all click “I agree” to terms of service we didn’t read; they’re too long and complex. But what are we really agreeing to? Here’s a handy site that grades those terms (on Facebook, Reddit, Wikipedia) like a report card. Thanks @cassidoo for sharing.

April 28, 2022

Originally posted by Chris Heilmann also in:

I seem to remember when trying out a quick web app was downloading it, starting a server and opening localhost. Not building in the terminal for 20 minutes and debugging 3 hours of node/NPM version problems making sure all your depencies are up-to-dateโ€ฆ

April 25, 2022

Originally posted by Rich ๐ŸคŒ also in:

Sales departments have taken web design and deposited it right in the fucking garbage at this point


April 23, 2022

Originally posted by Nick Kapur also in:

Simulation of a car getting smashed using gravity values for different celestial bodies:


April 21, 2022

Originally posted by Chrome Developers also in:

๐Ÿ“œ Want to learn how to build a Progressive Web App? Our new course takes you right through the process.

Written by @firt, with input from @tropicadri, @rachelandrew, @petele, @medleyjp, and @Snugug - check it out!

April 20, 2022

Originally posted by Simon Willison in reply of this post also in:

@adamhjk Sounds a bit like my project then - I’m really interested in building tools that help users keep their own data on devices that they own (plus encrypted backups)

Just not if it has anything to do with blockchains

April 13, 2022

Originally posted by Suz Hinton also in:

I would really like if software could stop repeatedly and aggressively pushing me to use features I am clearly not interested in. Just leave me alone. Itโ€™s my computer and my time, so stop invading both of these. It feels like someone is constantly badgering me.

April 11, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@pbarbieri @Tiendanube @uala_arg Fui victima de los robos del finde largo de carnaval, y aun sigo sin recuperar el saldo

April 11, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@pbarbieri @Tiendanube @uala_arg Che pier, hace mas de 1 mes que espero una solucion a mi problema y ni noticias

April 10, 2022

Originally posted by Prof. Michael Sweet also in:

Back in day, travellers/explorers would draw what they saw. This is where many sea monster stories come from ie. tentacled and alienesque appendages emerging from the water - giving belief to something more sinister lurking beneath….however, many cases it was just whale dicks.


April 9, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@pbarbieri @uala_arg @produccion_arg Ahhh, ahora entiendo donde se fue la plata que no me devuelven hace ya mas de 1 mes

March 28, 2022

Originally posted by Theo also in:

This is everything i needed to see from the internet today ๐Ÿคฃ


March 28, 2022

Originally posted by m also in:

this is the best duck video I’ve come across on tiktok so far.


March 24, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@pbarbieri @VdttA05 Tan desactualizado que aun sigo esperando que devuelvan los fondos

March 24, 2022

Originally posted by Ben Evans also in:

It’s a-me, A Pure CSS Mario!

No images, no JavaScript, just a lot of transform3d. Unfortunately iOS Safari canโ€™t quite manage it. Let’s-a go! via @CodePen

#purecss #cssart #3dcss #cssonly #nojavascript #FrontEndDeveloper #frontenddev #HTML #CSS

March 22, 2022

Originally posted by Ben Fry also in:

A business card sized CD with an alpha release of Processing from 2002โ€ฆย I think this might be exactly 20 years old today/this week.


March 21, 2022

also in:

Gracias @uala_arg @pbarbieri, ya tengo la tarjeta en casa, ahora solo falta que devuelvan lo que se roban asi tengo con que usarla

March 17, 2022

Originally posted by Barred and Boujee also in:

God grant me the serenity to close all the tabs I’m never going to read The courage to read the open tabs that really ought to be read And the wisdom to know the difference

March 12, 2022

Originally posted by Puni ๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ’ซ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿฌ ๐Ÿ‘พ also in:

i know everyone’s already talked about this but i still cannot believe this is a real screenshot like imagine being a movie star and releasing a huge blockbuster and then your agent is like ok this anime virtual loli with a crow on her head is going to interview you in japanese


March 9, 2022

Originally posted by Cleo Abram also in:

Why are multiple billionaires trying to put your internet in space?

And if it’s a big new thing for the internet to be in space then… where is it now??

Episode 4 of Huge If True ๐Ÿงต


March 8, 2022

also in:

Hola @uala_arg @pbarbieri, por que me mienten en la cara? Dicen que ya solucionaron los problemas pero yo sigo sin el saldo.


March 5, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@valentilintilin @Elperroenbote @GermanGalvez17 @julitolopez Hagamos cola, desde el domingo esperando que me respondan en alguna red/email y nada. Se ve que como no salimos en los medios no importamos…

March 4, 2022

also in:

@uala_arg @pbarbieri Hace 7 dias que no me responden los emails ni los MD. Cuando se van a hacer cargo???

March 3, 2022

also in:

@uala_arg @pbarbieri Hace 6 dias que espero respuesta real a los emails y MD y nada. Me reimprimen la tarjeta para que la use sin fondos, una maravilla.

March 3, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@julitolopez Desde el domingo esperando respuesta del reclamo y me entero por tw de lo que pasa ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

March 2, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@fechu @julitolopez @uala_arg Aca, esperando que me den una respuesta no generica…

March 2, 2022

also in:

@uala_arg Hace 5 dias que espero respuesta a los emails y MD y nada, y ahora ni el chat de la app me funciona. Cuando van a responder???

March 1, 2022

in reply of this post also in:

@uala_arg @tizicaridi A ver si responden por aca tambien…